Does not liking chair make me an antisemite?
How can you not like chair?Does not liking chair make me an antisemite?
Just like racism, it's a *mostly* left disease. There are so few racists or anti-semites on the right that they aren't worth wasting time opposing.Great. And I'm glad that it's denounced. But don't go around pretending it's an exclusive Left disease.
I'm glad you realize there is a difference between conservatives and right-wingers. The difference between the two, as a nutshell definition, are that right-wingers believe in absolutes, and conservatives believe in a kind of tradition.Bull crap. When I say "No real conservative is an antisemite. All of that is on the Left" I am totally correct.
chair is a dupe of the radical Left despite all his protestations to the contrary.
First of all, you guys confuse conservatism with "The Right", whatever the hell you mean by The Right.
Conservatism is a simple philosophy of Liberty and following the Constitution as intended by the Founding Fathers. There is no Left or Right in that.
As for right wing extremists, there are not enough of them in America to fill a bathtub. Their numbers have been lied about by the frauds on Fake News CNN and their ilk. Why? To take the spotlight off the real problem, the real terrorists and antisemites on the Left
The TRUE Jew-Haters are on THE LEFT, throughout Congress, the media and academia.
Anyone who says otherwise is either a complete liar or a complete idiot.
I'm glad you realize there is a difference between conservatives and right-wingers. The difference between the two, as a nutshell definition, are that right-wingers believe in absolutes, and conservatives believe in a kind of tradition.
However, I do understand that people on the right can be contradictory in their beliefs. Just like BIG government is a leftist cause, small government ought to be a cause of the right. It isn't always a cause of the right, but there are so few that don't take up that cause on the right that using hyperbole to say there are "no people on the right that believe in BIG government" would not be wrong.