I was getting ready to say that compatibilism is incoherent drivel, but Knights post covered that ground in a more creative fashion! :BRAVO:Compatibilism is just a word.
It's no different than saying....
2+2=4 AND 2+2=5. Why you ask? Simple! :sozo: Compatibilism! :BRAVO: Eureka!!!
See how easy that was?
I assert that the word could be anything (compatibilism is descriptive but it doesn't add any clarification as to why the two notions are actually compatible). Therefore I have offered up... "snardblat™" (you settled viewers can use it if you want to). Here's how it works..... now you can say.... "God can ordain all that ever happens in every detail AND also allow man a freewill. How is that possible you ask? Snardblat™!".
Notice how snarblat™ removes the apparent contradiction?
POD :first: