Ya' know, I cannot help but 'feel' like I'm being purposefully misrepresented, scapegoated, and despised as an Open Theology punching bag, simply because you need one to punch? Sorry, but I've been unfairly and unrighteously misrepresented as a Calvinist, today.
Enyart said:
To say that a man who has never heard of Jesus Christ can be saved is absolute blasphemy in a Calvinist world. But to say it in the real world is to defend God.
"Intimidated by Calvinism?" :nono: I'd never felt intimidated prior to becoming a Calvinist.
I know we are the bane of Open Theism...but unfoundable statements simply make Bob look reactionary. I guess saying he feels intimidated by us explains a lot.
Saying God 'schedules' attrocity is incorrect.
So, is Bob cutting Ephesians 1:3-6 from his bible? Why does he say God 'must be henious' if any christian loves and keeps the word of God? Is God despicable for allowing Ephesians 1:3-6 in our Bibles? Yes or No? Romans 8:28?
Bob, sorry, but you are painting a picture of a God who is not even omnicompetent. You are 'trying' to get God 'off the hook" by making Him incompetent and unnattached to His creation. Suddenly, the OV paradigm of a 'relational' God has Him incredibly unrelational, unaware, and unconcerned.
Bottom line: Bob, as graciously as I can state: You are trying to make rape/murder/death worse than the condition of sin and distance God from these rather than us needing distance from sin.
Impassibility does not mean 'no emotion.' Passion, rather, is a human 'reaction.' C.S. Lewis was trying to tell you (and me) that God's righteous actions and nature,
cannot be reactionary concerning man's
imperfections. Another way of saying this: God cannot change who He perfectly is, based on our imperfections, without ceasing to be a righteoous Holy God. Specifically, C.S. Lewis, in Miracles, was saying God cannot be affected by passion, rather than His own perfection.
Example: you as a father, are not swayed by your children's wrongful pleas (or really any kind of pleas- more on this). Rather, you have, in mind
already, a way you will respond to your children's reactions (passions) based on what is best for them. Such means, you are not 'compromising.' Thus, we are saying an impassible God does not 'compromise' with sin. Such is lovingly impassionate toward their good (at least in and of as much as we are good parents, we aren't God so sometimes must change to better love).
You, Bob, should be more careful, intelligent, (and I think: sensitive), than this. I think you would have 'liked' to have made Calvinists look like fools, but no. You did not accomplish this, imho.
What does it matter what a Calvinist says about a man in India who dies before hearing the gospel? Incidentally, Bob joined with the Pope's sentiments expressed in
Knight's recent Daily Topic!
You went to the same verse I do, for answering the question.... as a Calvinist.
Unfortunately, Bob is making some indictments against Calvinism, up.
See here this article, for instance, on the plight of infants:
"...Most Calvinistic theologians have held that those who die in infancy are saved."
If you come to understand us, however, I think we stop being the OV whipping post, so I'm fairly sure OV doesn't want to know what we really believe but prefer the mischaraterization? I know we have to be enemies but shouldn't 'truth' be paramount? If I'm going to take lashes, I'll man up, but I want to take them for something I
actually believe.
Ya' know, I cannot help but 'feel' like I'm being purposefully misrepresented, scapegoated, and despised as an Open Theology punching bag, simply because you need one to punch? Sorry, but I've been unfairly and unrighteously misrepresented as a Calvinist, today.