Criminal Prosecution For Treason


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Outrage is a Pavlovian response for your average Fox News viewer. They don't get outraged so much because of the substance of anything, but because the hosts on the various shows speak in a triggering tone, which leads them to spew out ill-informed and misdirected outrage. That's why they've suggested that this memo reveals five different crimes in a few posts.

Cite on the date for the Warrant being 2014?


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1. "THall" still hasn't addressed as to how the FBI could have gotten FISA warrants on Carter Page before the Steele Dossier was even written!
Obviously the FBI already had enough "intel" on Page prior to 2016 to convince several FISA judges to issue warrants.

2. Nunes is also on the record that he hasn't taken the time to read the transcripts and background material that were used to create the Nunes Memo - so how does he know on what basis this and previous FISA judges based their deciions?

3. Why did the House Committee refuse a request by FBI Director Wray to address it, not examine the transcripts of previous FISA decisions or interview those FISA judges who made decisions regarding Carter Page, before the Republicans decided to made this memo public?

Cite on
Obviously the FBI already had enough "intel" on Page prior to 2016 to convince several FISA judges to issue warrants.

patrick jane

The deep state must have a time machine! That's the only possible answer.
Poor barb and the cartoonist keep forgetting that every FISA warrant expires after 90 days and must have brand new evidence (not fake dossiers) to get a NEW one. Preferably, the "evidence" isn't false and PAID for by Hillary and the DNC.

The Barbarian

Treason? I'd laugh if it weren't such a grave allegation coming from a member of Congress.

The Framers of our Constitution were so anxious about the misuse of the charge of treason that they very carefully ensured that almost nothing qualifies.

For which Trump should be eternally grateful. Because the founders knew people like Gosar and Trump would sooner or later come to power, they made the state deep enough to prevent such people from becoming dictators.

But ironically, it might keep Trump's hiney out of prison.


New member

The Barbarian

Why would McCabe lie?:

The memo states that in December 2017, then FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe testified that “no surveillance warrant would have been sought” from the FISA court “without the Steele dossier information.”

I notice that Nunes just expects us to believe him. When he tells us what McCabe said. But given that he's lied to the public before, why should we?

Rep. Devin Nunes’ just-released surveillance memo claims that one of its central points about surveillance abuse at the FBI was affirmed by a senior FBI official. But two knowledgeable sources say the memo fundamentally mischaracterizes the official’s still-secret testimony.

Andrew McCabe, a frequent Donald Trump target, announced this week that he has relinquished his duties as deputy FBI director, accelerating his timetable for departure. The White House says Trump played no role in McCabe’s decision, though Trump’s son has tweeted that McCabe was fired.

The memo, released on Friday against FBI objections and with Trump’s approval, makes a particular claim against McCabe. In its attempt to claim that ex-British spy Christopher Steele’s salacious dossier played a central role in the surveillance of Trump aides—a claim the memo’s own admissions undermine—the memo claims that McCabe told the House intelligence committee that Steele was a pillar of information for a surveillance warrant application.

“Deputy Director McCabe testified before the Committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information,” the memo claims, referring to the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

Asked if that was a true representation, a source familiar with McCabe’s testimony responded: “100% not.”

A senior Democratic House intelligence committee official agreed.

“The Majority purposefully mischaracterizes both what is actually contained in the FISA applications and the testimony of former FBI Deputy McCabe before our committee in December 2017—the Minority’s memo lays out the full facts,” the official said.

The Barbarian

Nunes entered this episode with a reputation tarnished by a misadventure that found him racing to the White House last March, in the dead of night, to supposedly "confirm what I already knew" about the supposed "wiretapping" of Trump's phone by the previous administration. This harebrained notion was disproved and Nunes suddenly stepped away from leading his committee's Russian work. Now he's back, with his four-page memo, which he apparently signed without actually reading the underlying material himself.
But for his efforts to aid Trump's campaign against the investigation of the Russia controversy, few Americans would know the name Devin Nunes. Now he's known as the main congressional enabler of the President push-back campaign. He has been diminished by this alliance, as so many are when they go near Trump.


New member
Unfortunately the idiots here have have conflated suspicion of Carter Page being a foreign agent in 2013, with a FISA Warrant to spy on him and his associates that was issued in the summer of 2016. The FBI and the State Department picked Carter Page as the window into spying on the Trump campaign for the very reason that he had already been under suspicion and would feed nicely into the made up dossier plan about Russia.

If you are too stupid to understand what the FBI did, ask yourself two questions:

1. Why has Carter Page not been arrested and detained for espionage? Either he is not a spy and they have nothing, or the FBI is too incompetent to make a case that has been in front of them for 5 years.

2. If you can not make a case to charge someone with a crime in 4 years of surveillance, how do you continue to get permission every 90 days to continue spying on an American in America???? You lie and use a fake Dossier paid for by the Clinton Campaign....


New member
Unfortunately the idiots here have have conflated suspicion of Carter Page being a foreign agent in 2013, with a FISA Warrant to spy on him and his associates that was issued in the summer of 2016. The FBI and the State Department picked Carter Page as the window into spying on the Trump campaign for the very reason that he had already been under suspicion and would feed nicely into the made up dossier plan about Russia.

If you are too stupid to understand what the FBI did, ask yourself two questions:

1. Why has Carter Page not been arrested and detained for espionage? Either he is not a spy and they have nothing, or the FBI is too incompetent to make a case that has been in front of them for 5 years.

2. If you can not make a case to charge someone with a crime in 4 years of surveillance, how do you continue to get permission every 90 days to continue spying on an American in America???? You lie and use a fake Dossier paid for by the Clinton Campaign....

It hasn't been four years of surveillance, that we know of. It was about a year, running through late last year. He's been an object of suspicion for a long time, he's a self-acknowledged Kremlin advisor. Charges may come, or they may not, but it's only been a few months.

And I'd still like to know how he knew what Paul Ryan was going to do ahead of times. He seems to have a source high in the Republican Party. And that's...odd, given his other connections.

The Barbarian

Preet Bharara was prosecuting Carter Page’s Russian spy handler when Donald Trump fired him
Mon Apr 3, 2017

I doubt very much if the Russians told Trump why they wanted Bharara fired, even if they used their agents to persuade him to do it. The firing was especially odd since Trump repeatedly tried to develop a personal relationship with Bharara.


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Why would I have a citation for a claim I didn't make?

Well let's see, he said;
Originally Posted by jgarden
Given that the first FISA warrant for Carter Page was issued in 2014, 2 years before the Steele Dossier was produced (2016), just how could it have been used to mislead 4 FISA court judges?

And you responded;

rexlunae said:
Outrage is a Pavlovian response for your average Fox News viewer. They don't get outraged so much because of the substance of anything, but because the hosts on the various shows speak in a triggering tone, which leads them to spew out ill-informed and misdirected outrage. That's why they've suggested that this memo reveals five different crimes in a few posts.

It sure seems like you're agreeing with him to me.
Now just so we're clear; Do you agree that the first FISA warrant for Carter Page was issued in 2014?
Or was your post just a Pavlovian response?

What we do know about Carter Page is that he was recruited as an asset back in 2013.
They wanted to recruit him.
I don't have any specific reason to believe there was a FISA warrant for him before 2016.
Then why didn't you ask Jgarden what he was talking about?
Instead of spewing hate at Fox viewers?

But this was after his at least stated involvement with the Trump campaign.
When did they first have a FISA warrant on Page?

It's very interesting that you cite The Washington Post.
Back in April of 2017 The Washington Post reported that there had been a FISA warrant on Page in the summer of 2016;
link to NPR story about WaPo story with link because WaPo has a paywall said:

Now, how come your WaPo story about Page doesn't reference it's own previous story about Page that has a different story?

And the final question;
When did they start a FISA warrant on Page?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The point that was being made was that the first 3 FISA warrants that were issued for Carter Page predate the existence of the Steele Dossier - a fact that appears to have escaped some Republican members of the House Committee as they attempt to justify the Nunes Memo!
Cite on that?
If "fool" was really interested in Page's FISA dates, they may be listed on the Nunes Memo which he can google himself!
"May be"
So you don't know?
This request itself appears immaterial unless in the Trump world of alternate facts, 2014 and 2016 somehow overlap which would allow them to introduce the Steele Dossier at an earlier date!
Cite on the FISA warrants on Page from 2014?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The Russians attempted to recruit Carter Page in 2013/2014, and the FBI was doing their due diligence by conducting an investigation - they're not responsible for the fact that it was the Trump Campaign that made him a foreign advisor in 2016.

If Page was under surveillance by the FBI AND an advisor to Trumps Campaign then they DID owe Trump a heads up when he got his first Top Secret Briefing in August.

The Barbarian

If Page was under surveillance by the FBI AND an advisor to Trumps Campaign then they DID owe Trump a heads up when he got his first Top Secret Briefing in August.

Probably not a good idea for Trump to claim he didn't even know him, then.

The Barbarian

He wasn't working for him, he was a volunteer unpaid advisor.
The FBI would know he was a volunteer unpaid advisor because he told everyone in March of 2016;

Are you clear on this now?

From your link:
In March, in a bold “Oh yeah?” moment during an interview with the Washington Post’s editorial board, Donald Trump took the paper’s dare and revealed, then and there, his very short list of foreign policy advisers. There were just five, though he said, “I have quite a few more.” The list was a head-scratcher, a random assortment of obscure and questionable pundits. One of the names, offered without elaboration, was, “Carter Page, PhD.”

So, if the FBI had that, and Trump was denying this guy was with the campaign, then the FBI had good reason to keep the investigation to themselves.