Creepy, stalker like behaviour.

patrick jane

Here is a way to determine a stalker. When you post something, then when you receive a hostile response, do not respond. See if when you post again, to another member, whether or not the same member makes another hostile response. The more times he or she does so, the greater chance you have a stalker.

The best thing to do is not respond, have a little laugh because he or she has emotionally bonded to you in such a manner, deleterious to his or herself.

Leave a comment to another member who the hostile member is also tied to. Keep in mind it is always the stalker who has a problem.

That's completely insane

patrick jane

I know who my stalkers are:

saul to paul
patrick jane

they are all on ignore
except for rusha who cannot be on ignore
she is a moderator

saul to paul most always responds with a chuckle
hardly ever makes a reasonable response

I love you chrys

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond


I'd call it a bit of a 'cheap shot' to respond to posters whom you know can't see your posts. 'Creepy stalker' is a bit over the top.


Well-known member
Am I the only one that finds it decidedly creepy, when someone who knows they are on ignore, continue to post on active threads?

1. Because YOU have THEM on ignore, they shouldn't post at all? Someone you ignore can still post at (not "to") you because they want everyone else to see you're a fool.

2. Maybe they don't know you have them on ignore.

3. Maybe they don't care.

4. Maybe they post at you anyway because they know it torques your muffin.


Hall of Fame
I know who my stalkers are:

saul to paul
patrick jane

they are all on ignore
except for rusha who cannot be on ignore

Don't flatter yourself. I respond to your baseless rhetoric.

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
I must confess that I am aMAZed at Trousers yessir I am.

I perceive that he is a fellow who God has been kind to, incredibly patient, so very gracious

But he turns and snaps and snarls at everybody who comes near him...even the Salvation army captain who had helped him so much, if he didn't save his soul he certainly saved his natural life....think....if he had not saved his natural life how would have his soul been saved?....

Trousers is like the man in the story who was forgiven his debt but then immediately he went out and grabbed his fellow by the throat.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
:mock: Truster

Make sure this is quoted so that retard has to look at it. :banana:


Here is a way to determine a stalker. When you post something, then when you receive a hostile response, do not respond. See if when you post again, to another member, whether or not the same member makes another hostile response. The more times he or she does so, the greater chance you have a stalker.

The best thing to do is not respond, have a little laugh because he or she has emotionally bonded to you in such a manner, deleterious to his or herself.

Leave a comment to another member who the hostile member is also tied to. Keep in mind it is always the stalker who has a problem.
Yea right gaytoyou