Creation vs. Evolution

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Yes.... He did!! Life came from Life.
So the dirt was living.

You could use the same allegory for the chemistry happening around sea floor fumaroles that quite possibly provided the right conditions for the spontaneous formation of primitive cells. Maybe that is what Genesis is trying to tell us.



Well-known member
So the dirt was living.

You could use the same allegory for the chemistry happening around sea floor fumaroles that quite possibly provided the right conditions for the spontaneous formation of primitive cells. Maybe that is what Genesis is trying to tell us.

Your direct and indirect objects are switched up in conversation. I think, talking past one another.



Not anymore. But our distant ancestors did.




Does Jesus ride on the back of a happy dinosaur in the books you read, Michael?

Hot, thanks for asking.

Numbers 22:28-30 And the LORD opened the mouth of the [donkey], and she said unto Balaam, What have I done unto thee, that thou hast smitten me these three times?

And Balaam said unto the [donkey], Because thou hast mocked me: I would there were a sword in mine hand, for now would I kill thee.

And the [donkey] said unto Balaam, Am not I thine [donkey], upon which thou hast ridden ever since I was thine unto this day? was I ever wont to do so unto thee? And he said, Nay.

What kind of telepathic talking requires the mouth to be opened first?

Loosening the mouth is just an expression. How else would God explain it: like the man would know what telepathically means.

Genesis 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

This snake spoke Jacobean English, apparently. The bible is never wrong, correct?

Hasn't Jesus suffered enough already? Can't you let him rest in peace?


The serpent did not speak Jacobean. Jacob wasn't even alive by then.

Much Love & Cheerio, Mate!!



So where exactly in the Bible does it state that donkeys and serpents converse telepathically?

If your so sure you shouldn't have any trouble providing chapter and verse, right?

What makes perfect sense is that animals cannot converse with humans aurally or telepathically so none of it ever happened. It's just make-believe, dude?

Dear Hedshaker,

I thought you'd understand, but you don't. How surprising.



We humans are not always so great but apes is what we are nevertheless Michael.

Dear alwight,

Look in the mirror and see what you look like, a man or an ape? Your image is that of a human, just like God said He created man in His Image. I am growing tired of this thread, to be honest. See what happens.

Much Love & Cheerio,


patrick jane

Dear alwight,

Look in the mirror and see what you look like, a man or an ape? Your image is that of a human, just like God said He created man in His Image. I am growing tired of this thread, to be honest. See what happens.

Much Love & Cheerio,


This is my thread now :chuckle:
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So where exactly in the Bible does it state that donkeys and serpents converse telepathically?

If your so sure you shouldn't have any trouble providing chapter and verse, right?

What makes perfect sense is that animals cannot converse with humans aurally or telepathically so none of it ever happened. It's just make-believe, dude?

I go on how God and the angels who spoke with me did it. God told me that when you leave your earthly body, you don't have a mouth and you still talk telepathically. What language do you think the Serpent speak to Eve in? Did Eve go to first grade to learn Adam's language and vice versa? Do you think instead that they spoke English? Same with the serpent. Did the serpent and the donkey speak the same language?? This is all in my book, by the way. It's nothing new that I am making up.

Have An Excellent Day!!


patrick jane

I go on how God and the angels who spoke with me did it. God told me that when you leave your earthly body, you don't have a mouth and you still talk telepathically. What language do you think the Serpent speak to Eve in? Did Eve go to first grade to learn Adam's language and vice versa? Do you think instead that they spoke English? Same with the serpent. This is all in my book, by the way. It's nothing new that I am making up.

Have An Excellent Day!!

Don't let the heathens get you down Michael, they are slow to learn

patrick jane

So where exactly in the Bible does it state that donkeys and serpents converse telepathically?

If your so sure you shouldn't have any trouble providing chapter and verse, right?

What makes perfect sense is that animals cannot converse with humans aurally or telepathically so none of it ever happened. It's just make-believe, dude?

It could be a way of telling the story of thought processes and not necessarily talking animals


So where exactly in the Bible does it state that donkeys and serpents converse telepathically?

If your so sure you shouldn't have any trouble providing chapter and verse, right?

What makes perfect sense is that animals cannot converse with humans aurally or telepathically so none of it ever happened. It's just make-believe, dude?


It's not 'converse aurally.' It's 'converse orally {with the mouth}.'



Well-known member
It could be a way of telling the story of thought processes and not necessarily talking animals

My dog says "Ri Ruv Ru" Does that count?
My dog before that was smarter, I asked her:

What is on a tree? "Bark"
What is on top of a house? "Roof"
What is the front of a boat? "Bow wow"
What does sandpaper feel like? "Rough"
What sound does a cat make when you light them on fire? "Woof"
(she thought that one was funny, but it bothered me. I think it is a cat/dog rivalry thing. My current cat/dog flash gang signs at each other and gang war sometimes and oddly the cats win. She's a cocker spaniel so that makes sense)
She couldn't say "Wi Wuv Wu" though. Its a toss up.


Dear patrick jane,

How do you find the messages that your friends leave you when they give you good reps?? I've been searching, but can't find it. You know how to work this website better than me. I am finally caught up with my posts here, except I still have to read the posts on page 1184. I was back on page 1181 earlier today.

Tons Of Love, In Jesus Christ,


:cloud9: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :guitar: :singer:


New member
Loosening the mouth is just an expression. How else would God explain it: like the man would know what telepathically means.
Does your god approve of you reinterpreting its scripture like this?

The serpent did not speak Jacobean. Jacob wasn't even alive by then.
From the Holy Wikipedia:

The word "Jacobean" is derived from Modern Latin Jacobaeus from Jacobus, the Ecclesiastical Latin form of the English name James, the name of King James VI of Scotland, who was also King James I of England. in King James Bible.



Does your god approve of you reinterpreting its scripture like this?

From the Holy Wikipedia:

The word "Jacobean" is derived from Modern Latin Jacobaeus from Jacobus, the Ecclesiastical Latin form of the English name James, the name of King James VI of Scotland, who was also King James I of England. in King James Bible.


Yes, God approves of me telling you the truth. I'm not reinterpreting it. Adam and Eve were on the Earth way before any Modern Latin Jacobus or King James. You do not know what you're talking about, but it's okay. People make mistakes. I should know! God Bless Your Little Heart, Stuart!!

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