Creation vs. Evolution

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But once they have explained everything with natural causes they have taken all the "supernatural" (fun) out of it. And then they end up with the evolution through single common ancestor and long ages model.

Come on Barbarian, can't you just go along with our special pleading? We just want to throw God in (and perhaps some other detailed coverage of our specific theology) to every science class.

Dear noguru,

Yes, take all the fun out of the supernatural, noguru. Is that your Christian beliefs talking?



Michael, the Bible also says that fish and birds are not animals. If they aren't animals, then what are they?

A. Plants
B. Protists
C. Fungi
D. Archaea
E. Bacteria

Your five choices are not enough. Fish are aquatic animals and birds are fowl. Different than the animals (cattle, creeping things, etc.). Don't you have a Bible?



Back when the ark is presumed to have been built, ship building tech had not advanced to the point where more than one piece of wood could be fitted together to make a curved piece for the bow. What that means is that in order to build a 500 foot ship, Noah would've had to use a 500 foot tall tree, and carve it out to make it curved. When you find a 500 foot tall tree outside of California, let me know

Dear Kdall,

Ship building was as far as advanced as how God told Noah to build it. Who is a better builder than God? Who knows what gopher wood was? Perhaps it was like petrified wood. Who knows?



Further factor in just brachiosaurus, saltosaurus, and apatoaurus, and the ark sinks. However, that's just details to ark truthers

Dear Kdall,

Maybe the dinosaurs never made it on the Ark. That could be when they went extinct. Only God knows.



No no my friend, you've been misled. YECs KNOW either that God magically let all the aquatic creatures survive differrent salinities, or that they all adapted in the 150 days the world was flooded to be able to live in all salinity levels, then de-evolved when the flood was over.

It's science. Or not

Dear Kdall,

If God can create the fish, He certainly can help them adapt to a diluted saltwater environment and vice versa. You sell God short.



Well I can see that you've absorbed nothing, and have a tightly shut and sealed mind that only accepts what you like. It's my fault for getting my hopes up that you might be different

Dear Kdall,

I was just thinking the same thing about your mind and noguru's too! You know. Like it's useless to talk with you.



New member
Dear DavisBJ,

The procedures are relatively new and reek of the same dating methods' errors used before this one. As time passes, and more is done to further prove this iron method, then I will believe. Also, I find it hard to believe that birds are descended from dinosaurs. But whatever. Give it some time to prove itself in more instances before I'll believe it.

Coming from someone who claims face to face visits from God, frequent instruction from angels, someone who has caught the attention of the president of the US, someone who thinks the moon and Venus are going to be post-apocalyptic residences, who didn’t have a clue that there was gravity on the moon, who aspired to be a doctor that would have sacrificed patients rather than trust radiology, who is going to be a white knight in shining armor helping to usher in the second coming of Christ, who disbelieves anything can be older than what his mind can easily visualize – yeah, I’m sure you are going to suck right up to believing iron actually helped preserved soft tissue for many millions of years.

Note this understanding about iron and what part it plays in keeping organic materials from decomposing is the end of almost a decade of research. You can be sure there will be a number of off-shoot studies taking years more to complete. Are you going to postpone your end-of-year transformation into a heavenly messenger for another couple decades?


Your five choices are not enough. Fish are aquatic animals and birds are fowl. Different than the animals (cattle, creeping things, etc.). Don't you have a Bible?


Of course they aren't enough, because "animals" is the correct choice. As you said yourself, fish are aquatic animals. Fowl are also animals. Everything that falls under the categories of mammal, reptile, birds, amphibians, fish, and invertebrates are animals. The Bible doesn't recognize birds and fish as animals. That was the point


Dear Kdall,

I was just thinking the same thing about your mind and noguru's too! You know. Like it's useless to talk with you.


In a discussion on science, science is the only acceptable way to hash things out. If an explanation requires a supernatural element, then it's not scientific


Dear Kdall,

If God can create the fish, He certainly can help them adapt to a diluted saltwater environment and vice versa. You sell God short.


As I said earlier, if you need a supernatural element to make something make sense, it's not science


Well-known member
Dear Kdall,

I was just thinking the same thing about your mind and noguru's too! You know. Like it's useless to talk with you.



Michael, did you ever think you are like a mascot here? They think you are a joke but they let you stay for the entertainment value. Kind of like the retarded cousin.


Coming from someone who claims face to face visits from God,
Not face to face initially. I only HEARD Him the first time. Then ten days later, I saw Him. No one shall see Him and live. Well, I'm going to die, so that part will come true.

frequent instruction from angels, someone who has caught the attention of the president of the US, someone who thinks the moon and Venus are going to be post-apocalyptic residences,
I never said that the moon was going to be a post-apocalyptic residence.

who didn’t have a clue that there was gravity on the moon, who aspired to be a doctor that would have sacrificed patients rather than trust radiology, who is going to be a white knight in shining armor helping to usher in the second coming of Christ, who disbelieves anything can be older than what his mind can easily visualize – yeah, I’m sure you are going to suck right up to believing iron actually helped preserved soft tissue for many millions of years.
I might trust radiology, but can't afford it.

Note this understanding about iron and what part it plays in keeping organic materials from decomposing is the end of almost a decade of research. You can be sure there will be a number of off-shoot studies taking years more to complete. Are you going to postpone your end-of-year transformation into a heavenly messenger for another couple decades?

Nope, no postponement.

Nice try!




Michael, did you ever think you are like a mascot here? They think you are a joke but they let you stay for the entertainment value. Kind of like the retarded cousin.

Dear noguru,

Oh, I'm a mascot. No, I don't think so. I'm also not retarded. From the feedback I get, they do not think I am a joke. I get better feedback than you, I'll bet! I have some very loving friends here and I appreciate them very much!!



The Wyoming was built AS a schooner, not an ark and it was not built of the same material that God told Noah to build the ark out of. The ark was designed to be a floating vessel, impervious to water and rain, NOT built as a sailing schooner.
Now what 'gofer' wood is, may be unclear, but Noah knew and understood, so we can safely deduce that it was a type of wood best suited to boat or ark building, plus it was covered inside and out with tar. Some say "gofer" means laminated, but regardless, it was unique to that situation and is the only time it is used in the Bible. It is not stated how long it actually took Noah to build the ark, but it has been deduced at between 50 - 75 years. Plenty of time to do a good job.
No invention, just what God said.

Dear StanJ,

Moses wasn't building a schooner. You are right StanJ. God told Noah exactly how to make the boat. You couldn't have a better teacher!! Thanks for your post, StanJ!!



OK Friends,

I posted on a Political thread and it's tucked away, so I feel that my post won't get much attention. I wanted to post it here so I could share it with you. I am definitely able to understand two guys or girls loving each other so much that they could explode. Just no anal sex. It's not good for straight couples to do that either. OK, that's the hardest part. Read below:

Dear Arthur,

Hey buddy!! How's it going? It's been a while! Well, I'm sure no one wants to hear from me, a former 'homo' gay person. I'm sure I will cause a terrible stir here, but what else is new? You already know me for my stirs. I THINK that being gay is anti-God and that gays in the church (to get married) are actually fulfilling the scriptures with Jesus saying, "And when you shall see the 'abomination' of desolation stand in the holy place {Church}, know that the time is near." Or "if you see the abomination of desolation standing where it ought not, know that the time is near." I really wish so badly that this weren't true, because most of my life, I was gay, until I just decided to abstain from sex. So you know that I am not hoping the scripture is true, but I have to say what I feel that The Lord is telling me. That's His answer. Now act on it. That does not mean to be against gays and not loving them. Just love them and give them the chance to change themselves. If I did it, perhaps they can also. I did it because I cared more about my Love for God over my love for gay sex or any sex. You see, I can't have sex with women, but I won't tell you why for now because you'll all just start on my case. So I'll leave that for another time. Well, that's my assessment from the Lord to you all. No Gay Marriage!! Isn't necessary anyway. They had Civil Unions, and that was not good enough. Now they are marrying. Can you see how wrong that is? They can put in writing all that each partner wants to do and get it notarized. They do not have to get married. I wish I were wrong because it hard on me. But God made the laws. OK, everyone jump on my case!! Love the gays, not what their ways are. They need your love, not hate!! Otherwise, they'll never change. Let them see why God is more important than sex. It's really down to "how much do you love God and Jesus?" More or less than sex? Fornication is wrong also, but tons of singles are doing it. It's just as bad as being gay, yet the gays don't hold them in derision. Fornication is having sex with someone who is not your wife/partner.

In God And Christ {Their love for us},

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