Dear Stuu,
I thought so. No use wasting my time.
Believe what you wish. You will anyway.
I thought so. No use wasting my time.
Believe what you wish. You will anyway.
I don't know how I could possibly know whether ignorance is bliss or not!Dear Stuu,
You tell me. Is ignorance bliss or not?
Much Love in Christ,
Michael Cadry
I don't think there is any such thing as "actual truth". There are some things that could be said to be true, but that's different.I'll tell you Stuart. You should be in bliss because you are ignorant of the actual truth. Who'd you receive your information from?? Did the Lord visit you, or any angels, have you had any visions or visits from the Holy Ghost?? I have been so lucky to have them all. I've learned very much from it all.
God's Best To You!
Maybe if you thought about it harder you might be able to say more.Dear Stuart,
We'll maybe miss you in heaven. It's really too bad. I'm not going to be Mr. Fixit. You've got a brain that you didn't use correctly, so I hope you have found some friends who share your lame beliefs. I'm sorry for you. That's all I can say.
You seem to think I am not familiar with "the scriptural references" already.Dear Stuuart,
OK. I'll give you a bit more of my time. In my signature line, there is a website written. It's about a FREE copy of my most recent book. Type it into your browser. Then click on "Book Copy", and then click on "SKU-text". This will bring you up to the Title Page. You can scroll, etc., to read my entire book. It is double-spaced and only 88 pages long, so it's an easy read. You'd be smart if you looked up the scriptural references to check them out. So this is what I give you. If you want real help, I've tried to include a lot of the important things in this book. The whole thing is getting you to read it. But what is your life worth? God Bless You, If You Are So Inclined,
That's very gracious of it to allow you to be a human.Yes, my religion allows me to think and more importantly, to feel love and other things.
It's the only ethical response to totalitarian divine threats.Enjoy the Heat!!
Aren't you special then.Dear Stuu,
I'm done with talking with you. You are a waste of time. I do have better things to do. You aren't worth it.
Michael Cadry