ttruscott said:
6days said:
Perhaps I'm wrong... but your evasive answer seems you are really saying you don't believe those verses. I specifically asked if you accept those verses*"without reinterpretation or spin?"
And I said there are no verses that are not interpreted. Yes I believe them all, No I do not necessarily believe your interpretation.
As I thought... you don't believe them, but think they require interpretation. In other words your opinion trumps what God says.*Statements of fact may be true or false... they don't require interpretation. **
ttruscott said:
Tell me what*Matt 13:38-39*means with no reinterpretation, eh?
Parables....prophecy...evidence needs interpretation. Statements of fact require no interpretation.
* "For in six days, God created...everything."
Evo spin: 'God meant billions of years'
* "Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground ...
Evo spin: 'God evolved man from other life forms. God did not directly form man.
* "Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man..."
Evo spin: 'That is just a story to teach a lesson. Women evolved... (And some evo's used to teach that women were not as highly evolved as men, but were better than a dog)
* "Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living"
Evo spin: '[This is just allegorical. ..Eve is not a real person.
* Flood waters "rose greatly on the earth, and all the high mountains under the entire heavens were covered.
Evo spin: 'God meant the flood covered the hills in a local flood
* "Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin..."
Evo spin: 'This is just allegory ...there has always been death in the world. There has always been evil, pain, suffering and death.
*"But, at the beginning of creation, God created them male and female..."
Evo spin: 'Jesus must have meant the beginning of humans. He could not have meant the beginning of *the creation
Evolutionists do not believe God's *statements of fact in each of those verses...and many others. Their 'interpretation' (aka spin) destroys the foundations to the Gospel.