I am not a cradle Catholic.
I was Baptist (southern) since birth pretty much. Then decided in college to find "truth." I began with basic philosophy and science. Utilizing Deacartes method of existence to thus prove God's existence. Then, the Bible being the most historically accurate archaic text, proving Christianity. I then decided that I would only exclusively believe what the Scriptures say. From there I took several theology classes. I read systematic theology, as well as other sources detailing exact doctrines.
I could not get past how nearly every Protestant doctrine did not fully agree with Scripture, or even went completely against it. It seemed there was no denomination with doctrine based solely on what I found in Scripture. Then, I happened to just research exactly what I derived from Scripture. To my (slight) surprise, it was a Catholic doctrine. Then I discovered that everything I believed, based solely on Scripture, was exactly as the Catholic's believed and taught.
A few years later, I was confirmed. I always had this sense of not being satisfied with my denomination and doctrines. After finding Catholicism, I finally felt full and satisfied. And I have grown in knowledge more than ever before.
I thank God for Catholicism every day.
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