Whenever anyone speaks over and over to an invented point you can largely bet it's an issue for them in another and more personal way. So with you that goes to insecurity about your height or size, looks, sexual orientation, and intelligence. Those are the things you constantly come back to.
You can't see Stripe post unless you're there. Or maybe you mean you saw Stripe post and so you went there, but that doesn't really hold water either if anyone wants to go back and actually look through the thread to check the point. In any event, a little later in this you're going to invent another and different excuse for reading me and hanging around my thread. Wait, I'll just lift it and move it here:

I don't think of you, sod, or Stripe as "the world" but you guys do seem to spend an awful lot of time talking about, thinking about, and following me about.
Man, you'd think at some point you'd get at least one dart to stick. :nono:
Wait...:chuckle:...you think noting a thread you start in an internet chat room is a boast? That's either very sad, or very funny.
When it comes to religion I've posted a bit over the years, largely in response to anti-theists trotting out the usual contempt for God in general and Christianity in particular. Outside of that I've mostly read posts by people who know a lot more than I do on the topic, have more considered opinions and can back their understandings with reason and citation. It's been a real help for me.
I've never once believed you went to any thread to listen.
Actually, my threads tend to draw eyes and always have. Even in the site's current, diminished state. Verifying that's as easy as clicking on my username and looking at the threads...like...SportsTalk, which hasn't been around very long. It has 65 posts and 1,606 views. A Momentary Life has 349 posts and 24,249 views. Quixote's has 3,213 posts and 217,728 views.
Like that.
It wasn't a poem. I appreciate that you found it poetic, but I'd rather you find the point of it instead.
Fill your mind with cynicism and you leave no room for faith. Fill your heart with anger and you leave no room for hope. Fill your soul with with judgement and you leave no room for love. Fill your day with each of these and you leave no room for God.
That's...crazy enough. What are you thread pirates? The thread pirate Roberts?
In what way?
It does seem to be a topic of interest for you.
So that's your idea of what a real man would do...explains a few more things.
You don't seem to realize it, but you aren't actually supporting your declaration with anything. No, what I wrote is verifiably true in every detail. If anyone really doubts me on the point. All it takes is an interest and a semblance of faith in your ability to fashion a rational point...so it's probably dead on the vine.
That's your goal post. What I've noticed is how much time you guys spend tailing me, talking, and thinking about me (assuming for charity's sake that your tailing and talking involves thinking). That's also a matter of public record.
That's not how you spell riches. But it is how you illustrate envy.
If that's how you were taught discipline you must have been an extraordinarily willful kid. I mean, it would explain a few things more.
Speaking for the world now...and I have the ego issue?