Contradictions in the Bible


New member
Has anyone else here looked into the contradictions documented in the Bible? Also, there is a fair amount of documentation of "Biblical" figures and events that were actually taken from earlier traditions and altered. I've found the site "Exposing Christianity" to be an interesting source for this. Has anyone else here looked into this, researched it, etc.?


Well-known member
You don't need any special sites to see these things. Just a careful reading of the text.


Has anyone else here looked into the contradictions documented in the Bible? Also, there is a fair amount of documentation of "Biblical" figures and events that were actually taken from earlier traditions and altered. I've found the site "Exposing Christianity" to be an interesting source for this. Has anyone else here looked into this, researched it, etc.?
Yup, sure.

Where are you coming from? Do you want to trash your childhood religion? What's your angle?

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
2 Timothy 3:16 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

16 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;

Psalm 19:7 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

7 The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul;
The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.


New member
How about searching for truth in the Bible?

For centuries, the skeptics claimed that "Ninevah" was a fairy-tale... until archeology proved them wrong.
Same goes for the "Exodus" from Egypt.

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Well-known member
How about searching for truth in the Bible?

For centuries, the skeptics claimed that "Ninevah" was a fairy-tale... until archeology proved them wrong.
Same goes for the "Exodus" from Egypt.

Ninevah was first excavated in the 18th century. I am not aware that skeptics called it a fairy tale. If you have information of that sort, please share it with us.

If you are aware of archaeological evidence for the Exodus, please share that with us as well.

Link your sources, please.


New member
Ninevah was first excavated in the 18th century. I am not aware that skeptics called it a fairy tale. If you have information of that sort, please share it with us.

If you are aware of archaeological evidence for the Exodus, please share that with us as well.

Link your sources, please.

There are a multitude of "sources" for anyone who has a longstanding interest in eschatology or Biblical archeology. I'm talking DECADES, and a mountainous amount, of information with new info always forthcoming.
On the other hand, the vast "majority" really "haven't a clue" and have "no interest in" what is coming.




Well-known member
There are a multitude of "sources" for anyone who has a longstanding interest in eschatology or Biblical archeology. I'm talking DECADES, and a mountainous amount, of information with new info always forthcoming.
On the other hand, the vast "majority" really "haven't a clue" and have "no interest in" what is coming.

If you have some decent sources, let's see them. Claiming that there are sources doesn't work, no matter how you wrap up the claim.


New member
If you have some decent sources, let's see them. Claiming that there are sources doesn't work, no matter how you wrap up the claim.

Find them for yourself. If you had any genuine interest in your "history", you would already be aware. As it is, this is a deviation from the Original Post. Start your own.

I've tolerated your feigning ignorance so-far, but it is now far from amusing and I don't tolerate disingenuous and immature and foolish people. - Proverbs 26:4
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Well-known member
Find them for yourself. If you had any genuine interest in your "history", you would already be aware. As it is, this is a deviation from the Original Post. Start your own.

I am not unaware of biblical archaeology. Far from it.

You made two specific claims. One was about Nineveh being considered a fairy tale for many years. You have provided nothing to support that claim.

The second claim that you made was that there was archaeological evidence for the Exodus. You have provided no evidence for that either.

Your link to archaeology of the Roman period is not relevant. Nor will links to excavations at Meggido or Tel Dan or even Har Eval help. You made claims- let's see your evidence.

patrick jane

Has anyone else here looked into the contradictions documented in the Bible? Also, there is a fair amount of documentation of "Biblical" figures and events that were actually taken from earlier traditions and altered. I've found the site "Exposing Christianity" to be an interesting source for this. Has anyone else here looked into this, researched it, etc.?
No, we are not conspiracy theorists here


Well-known member
Mr. Beam, I am not letting you off this one.

You made two specific claims. One was about Nineveh being considered a fairy tale for many years. You have provided nothing to support that claim.

The second claim that you made was that there was archaeological evidence for the Exodus. You have provided no evidence for that either.

... You made claims- let's see your evidence.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Has anyone else here looked into the contradictions documented in the Bible? Also, there is a fair amount of documentation of "Biblical" figures and events that were actually taken from earlier traditions and altered. I've found the site "Exposing Christianity" to be an interesting source for this. Has anyone else here looked into this, researched it, etc.?

There are some minor contradictions in the Bible, but when it comes to the Gospel and justification by faith, the message is loud, true and clear.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Has anyone else here looked into the contradictions documented in the Bible? Also, there is a fair amount of documentation of "Biblical" figures and events that were actually taken from earlier traditions and altered. I've found the site "Exposing Christianity" to be an interesting source for this. Has anyone else here looked into this, researched it, etc.?

The majority of posters on this forum believe that the Bible IS the inspired word of God. If you're just here to somehow try to disprove the Bible (As if you or Satan himself could) you're fighting a losing battle and you might as well leave and find yourself a comfortable little "Athiest/Agnostic forum." Believe me, you won't be welcomed here with open arms or minds.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
There are some minor contradictions in the Bible, but when it comes to the Gospel and justification by faith, the message is loud, true and clear.

Robert, why feed the animals? If you suddenly don't have trust in the word of God, then, perhaps you best consider yourself a "Skeptic of the Bible." Why help this Knucklehead, can't you see what he's up to? Use your head!


Well-known member
Are you saying you need evidence that the Exodus really happened? what a fool

No. Will everyone PLEASE read carefully.

Beam-me said that there was archaeological evidence. I asked him to show it. He hasn't.

I don't need the archaeological evidence. I dislike sloppy thinking and lying.


Well-known member
Chair, you're Jewish correct? If you don't want to answer okay. I'll find out from somebody else.

I am Jewish. Observant. Live in Israel. And likely know far more about Biblical archaeology than some who post here.

We do not celebrate the Exodus because someone found some archaeological ruins proving that it happened, nor will we stop doing so if nobody ever finds such ruins. There is to date no archaeological proof of the Exodus, and one must be honest about that.