

An infertile egg is not a life form.

It's a waste product that will be eliminated.

Today is Shlishli Ziv 23. It is Yom, Day. Omer 38

What a horrible argument. Do you even understand what you are doing?


New member
I think you do not understand something.

No Jacob everyone understands what an infertile egg is except you. You should look it up. It is the same idea as a sperm that does not meet an egg... It is not life because it not fertile


No Jacob everyone understands what an infertile egg is except you. You should look it up. It is the same idea as a sperm that does not meet an egg... It is not life because it not fertile

You understand that, but you do not understand the fight against abortion, murder, and the taking of an innocent life or killing here. I do not know if what you are saying is true.


New member
You understand that, but you do not understand the fight against abortion, murder, and the taking of an innocent life or killing here. I do not know if what you are saying is true.

of course I understand the fight against abortion, murder and taking of innocent life. OF COURSE I UNDERSTAND! It is you that is not listening to what other people are saying that makes you believe the things you do. Instead of speaking before you think about what you are saying try thinking before you speak. When you have a conversation with someone you are required to pay attention and listen to what the other person says before you reply. If you reply without actually listening to that person then you are not in a dialogue, that is a monologue...and if you want to monologue that is fine but don't reply to someone before you actually consider what they are saying and before you consider what you are saying


of course I understand the fight against abortion, murder and taking of innocent life. OF COURSE I UNDERSTAND! It is you that is not listening to what other people are saying that makes you believe the things you do. Instead of speaking before you think about what you are saying try thinking before you speak. When you have a conversation with someone you are required to pay attention and listen to what the other person says before you reply. If you reply without actually listening to that person then you are not in a dialogue, that is a monologue...and if you want to monologue that is fine but don't reply to someone before you actually consider what they are saying and before you consider what you are saying

You do not have to consider anything before you think, respond, or reply. However, you should consider your ways.


New member
You do not have to consider anything before you think, respond, or reply. However, you should consider your ways.

If you want to have an intelligent or productive conversation with someone then YES YOU DO have to consider your thoughts before you respond. That is common sense Jacob.


If you want to have an intelligent or productive conversation with someone then YES YOU DO have to consider your thoughts before you respond. That is common sense Jacob.

What is there to consider if you know what to say?


Well-known member
Today is Sheni (Second) Ziv 22. It is Boker, Morning. It is Yom, Day. Omer 37.

Your grammar is incorrect. You may have meant You're meaning You are. However, what is it that you are saying does not exist? What are you fighting for to say that someone disagrees with something and not to judge?

I do not concern myself with little things like grammar Jacob.

My spelling is bad also.

But I know my God and his Son.


New member
What is there to consider if you know what to say?

Well that is easy coming from someone like yourself. You always know what to say because you only say what you want and you don't listen to the other person in a conversation. so in a case like yours yes you always know what to say because you say whatever you want with no regard for the other person in the conversation. That is not a good quality. If you want to have an actual meaningful conversation with someone then you absolutely MUST LISTEN to what they say, take it into consideration when forming your response and then reply appropriately. If not, then there is no point in even engaging in a conversation because you are going to automatically dismiss their thoughts and ideas and say whatever you want. That approach - when you say only what you think and have no consideration for another person's thoughts or ideas - is rude, dismissive, unproductive and unfitting of a man who aspires to be a Rabbi.


New member
You do not have to consider anything before you think, respond, or reply. However, you should consider your ways.

Jacob I just cannot have any more conversations with you because you lie too much. I am wasting my time trying to have a conversation with you because I believe that you lie too much and it is completely unproductive and a complete waste of time trying to talk with you because I cannot believe anything you say. Have a good life and really you should get some help...there is no shame in having a disability but there is shame in lying about it because it places a stigma on a disability where there should be none. you are helping no-one when you lie and deny. If you accept the help that is offered to you then you will be able to live the best life possible and at the same time you will have one heck of a testimony about how you submitted to God and God helped you overcome. But until you do then I do not wish to have a conversation with you because it is not only unproductive it is counter-productive and fruitless. I will continue to pray for you that you accept the help you have around you and that you will receive and accept the help you need


I do not concern myself with little things like grammar Jacob.

My spelling is bad also.

But I know my God and his Son.


Today is Revi'i (Fourth) Ziv 24. It is Yom, Day. Omer 39.

Even grammar is a concern of mine. Not with or when there is good grammar, however.


Well that is easy coming from someone like yourself. You always know what to say because you only say what you want and you don't listen to the other person in a conversation. so in a case like yours yes you always know what to say because you say whatever you want with no regard for the other person in the conversation. That is not a good quality. If you want to have an actual meaningful conversation with someone then you absolutely MUST LISTEN to what they say, take it into consideration when forming your response and then reply appropriately. If not, then there is no point in even engaging in a conversation because you are going to automatically dismiss their thoughts and ideas and say whatever you want. That approach - when you say only what you think and have no consideration for another person's thoughts or ideas - is rude, dismissive, unproductive and unfitting of a man who aspires to be a Rabbi.

Today is Revi'i (Fourth) Ziv 24. It is Yom, Day. Omer 39.

Would the Rabbi have a conversation?

As for my communicating with you it should not have begun you being a woman from Canada and my aspiring to be the President of the United States of America. Interesting advice for a man who does not communicate with women.


Jacob I just cannot have any more conversations with you because you lie too much. I am wasting my time trying to have a conversation with you because I believe that you lie too much and it is completely unproductive and a complete waste of time trying to talk with you because I cannot believe anything you say. Have a good life and really you should get some help...there is no shame in having a disability but there is shame in lying about it because it places a stigma on a disability where there should be none. you are helping no-one when you lie and deny. If you accept the help that is offered to you then you will be able to live the best life possible and at the same time you will have one heck of a testimony about how you submitted to God and God helped you overcome. But until you do then I do not wish to have a conversation with you because it is not only unproductive it is counter-productive and fruitless. I will continue to pray for you that you accept the help you have around you and that you will receive and accept the help you need


Today is Revi'i (Fourth) Ziv 24. It is Yom, Day. Omer 39.


I don't even have a disability and now or then I am being accused of lying about it. Hmm.