Conspiracy - Are Some Theories Accurate?


New member
I don't necessarily believe conspiracy theories like the moon landing or 9-11 but there are some interesting things happening economically, technologically and socially. This first video is called - Obsolete - Full Documentary. 49 minutes

It talks about the Central Banks at the top of the pyramid, the movement towards UBI (Universal Basic Income) and the way people have been controlled and manipulated since the first Industrial Revolution. It's about losing our humanity.The videos I've been watching are filled with facts, actual footage and quotes from the government and the elite through the decades.

This thread will contain information that I think is important for people to think about, realize and consider. Things are changing and will change drastically, it's just a matter of when. We all know intuitively that many serious and important areas of true freedom cannot continue on the path we are on.

you dont believe 911 but do you believe the "official" story? i dont really have a theory on it but the official story has never added up IMO.

patrick jane

AETHEREAL - The Battle for Heaven and Earth (Cosmology Documentary)

AETHEREAL - The Battle for Heaven and Earth (Cosmology Documentary)
1. The Ancient Conflict
2. A New Nation 11:00
3. The Cosmic Rewrite 17:30
4. The Quantum Deception 25:49
5. Sorcery Reborn 35:09
6. The Power of the Air 51:27
7. New Age "Zience" 1:12:33
8. Oracles of the Technium 1:28:27
9. The Templum Defiled 1:42:10
10. The Choice 1:47:53


Well-known member
Watchman said; 54.3 percent of Americans do not believe the 'official' 911 story:

musterion said; oh, you cite HuffPoop! Only the best for you, I see.

Obama won 52.9% of the vote in 2008.

Watchman said; That's your single opinion against the hundreds of opinions taken in that survey which matches most other surveys:

In your world your opinion is all that counts I see.

musterion said; 99% of people could believe something's true that isn't; mass opinion does not determine truth. Why do you think it does?

Watchman said; Wow your arrogance is impressive. :first:

musterion said; You didn't answer the question. How is something proved true by a given percentage of people believing it?

I never said it did, that was your (paranoid) conclusion. A survey is a poll of opinions not a clarification of truth. What I was pointing out is your arrogance that you think your minority opinion is the truth.


Well-known member
How is what musterion said arrogance? The number of flies on a flypaper strip has never meant flypaper strips don't kill flies, and the number of people who believe or disbelieve something has never been an indicator of truth. If majority opinion is the indicator of truth, then Jesus is not the Son of God for the majority of people in the world reject the divinity of Christ. Seems to me the arrogance is all on one side, and it's not musterion's side.

See post #48 above.

Gary K

New member
I never said it did, that was your (paranoid) conclusion. A survey is a poll of opinions not a clarification of truth. What I was pointing out is your arrogance that you think your minority opinion is the truth.

Hmmm.... And how many minority positions do you hold to be true? I see it as being a large number from the posts you make here, so how is your "arrogance" any less than musterion's? You seem to think it is "arrogance" for someone besides yourself to hold an opinion to be true even though it disagrees with the opinions of others. That to me is in and of itself a rather self-condemning position for you to take.


Well-known member
Hmmm.... And how many minority positions do you hold to be true? I see it as being a large number from the posts you make here, so how is your "arrogance" any less than musterion's? You seem to think it is "arrogance" for someone besides yourself to hold an opinion to be true even though it disagrees with the opinions of others. That to me is in and of itself a rather self-condemning position for you to take.

Now you are also mixing opinions with truths. Where have I done that as you accuse me of doing?

patrick jane

This video is an amazing presentation of A.I. and Block Chain by chief scientist and creator Ben Goertzel, creator of Sophia the robot. The company is called the SingularityNET - a platform for open source AI to offer AI service to anyone and to allow contributions to AI from anyone in the world. He gives a fairly in depth explanation of how it will work and the unlimited potential. The AI will talk to other AI's and learn from each other, sharing algorithms and supporting each other.

Many are worried and /or fearful of A.I., 5G, Block Chain and the "singularity". I think it will still be many years before we realize it's too late to stop.

The Goddess in the Blockchain Machine...

Skip the first 9 minutes of music and images to get straight to the speech this computer geek gives.

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patrick jane

This is a must watch for anyone interested in the future that is being planned for us.

The A.I. / Blockchain Connection...(???) 13 minutes

The A.I. economy has arrived - Sophia the robot was just named a citizen of Saudi Arabia - no joke

patrick jane

SOPHIA and A.I. UNLEASHED on BITCOIN.....and Internet! YOU NEED TO KNOW NOW!!! | WatchmanReview

Meet our new virtual one world ruler......or perhaps, instead, mans' most helpful creation yet.....or is it? You decide. But before you do, please watch this video - because the lights are about to go out....or not. Again, you decide. Either way, hold on to your seats because we are about to find out.

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Well-known member
This is a must watch for anyone interested in the future that is being planned for us.

The A.I. / Blockchain Connection...(???) 13 minutes

The A.I. economy has arrived - Sophia the robot was just named a citizen of Saudi Arabia - no joke

Very interesting. I will get my people onto it straight away. actually i mean i will get my mate whose into bit coin and computers to watch it and see what he thinks.

patrick jane

Very interesting. I will get my people onto it straight away. actually i mean i will get my mate whose into bit coin and computers to watch it and see what he thinks.
Then they should watch the video I posted above your post as well. Serious stuff, plenty of room for terrible things and wild conspiracies.

It's going online now or already is, and once the A.I. cloud is up, all AI's will be connected. This means when one A.I. learns something or creates new code then every A.I. will know the same thing instantly. An entirely new economy will begin.

patrick jane

[h=1]Sophia the AI Robot Says The Darndest Things! HAS THE SINGULARITY HAPPENED? Artificial Intelligence[/h]

Ephesians 6:12-13 KJV - [FONT=&quot]For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.[/FONT]


New member
Patrick will you pick one of these subjects, make a thread, and lets get into it. i want to talk conspiracy!