She's an actress, I don't care what her degree's in.
She might be a genius and acting like a ditz, she is playing after all the beauty pageant contestant, only prepared for a softball question, and she didn't get a softball question she got a fastball. She acts like that all the time.
She's SO dramatic, over not just the slightest issues, but over made up situations, situations that she made up herself. Which is all openly AN ACT.
What—we can't believe that she's so consistent a liar always repeating and promoting the same lies that she actually believes them? She's lost touch with reality? Forgot what was true, because she's been at it acting for so long?
If she is that then she is possessed. She's either an actress OR possessed, there's no third option.
But other than being possessed then she's just remarkably dumb AND a horrible actress, but she only has to fool 51% of the people. The fact that 49% are not fooled is IRRELEVANT. The 51% being fooled IS A PROBLEM, not something to laugh at. We need to take her down somehow and expose her. She cannot be in our government, and we shouldn't be above witch hunting and expelling her and even arresting her for deprogramming. Society has always treated dangerous charismatic people like this, extremely. You don't want to imprison them because their influence will continue even from jail, so you'd usually exile them, like Napoleon, like Lenin. Just get them out of the country.
So we could do something like that maybe, let's just not be above any of these things. There's a reason Lenin and Napoleon were exiled, they should have been put to death. Unspeakably large numbers of people wouldn't have been murdered, tortured, mutilated, if Lenin had been executed instead of exiled.
You want to talk about "democracy dying", it'd be someone like AOC rising to power. You get someone like that with a Democratic House and Senate AND Supreme Court—we're all going to die. That diabolic triad would spell our doom. And there's nothing we can do to prevent it from happening unless we treat AOC and others like her seriously. We can't just passively permit someone like that to steal elections by fooling just 51% of the people. We have to step in and do something.
ofc by we, I mean Republicans and by Republicans I mean rn the Trump administration. They have the power of the federal government, and they should go on a witch hunt here. A witch hunt to break her 51% hold she has on us, on New York, and mainly on her district, which is where the critical 51% currently live.
If the Trump administration unleashes just a touch of its Constitutional powers they can snuff out the AOC candle wick. Through actively engaging in very careful exposition of who she really is, compilations of public footage, promoting them like crazy. Meaning, it's all going to speak for itself. There'll be no messaging, it will just be showing footage.
And this isn't to prove to the 51% that she's batty, it's to prove to the 49% that you need to up your game. The 51% can ruin the 49% (along with the 51% themselves because the majority in all cases of bad democratic government are just as vulnerable when the bad regime secures power as the minority), the only thing stopping them is if you go out and make converts.
So the idea is the federal government will pump footage of AOC being AOC, without comment, and then the 49% will use the footage as motivation and for talking points, the 49% will actually do the propaganda, not the government, which can wash its hands of the matter, even though it most certainly was a targeted witch hunt, it was without narrative or spin, so there's no possibility of the sin or crime of attacking your political opponents (which is something the Democrats actually did to Trump with "lawfare" between his terms). Because it's not attack, it's doing what the press refuses to do. It's emergency powers, one of countless emergency powers, that the federal government possesses, if the press ever fails to do its job because it's captured by its ideology, then the federal government can promote footage of politicians and jurists that is in the public square, offering it free of commentary and narrative.
When the 49% take the baton, they will campaign against her, and become the 51%+, and then this will all go away and we can forget about AOC, without having to exile, without having to imprison, or any other fairly transparent human rights violation, which we should never even appear to be doing. Trump has the power to lead the way and expose the worst elements of the Democratic party.