Clinton agrees with 95% of TOL users on this religious point


New member
He used that projectionist line on me just yesterday. Ironic, the things he finds clever.

Actually not "on" you but as a descriptive also "of" you.

Your part of their same cult-like club; remember :chuckle:

Musti, you really ought to do some research on the characteristics of cult-like clubs and their individuals.

And I don't mean some fool, supposedly "Christian research" so many do.

Rather, the more generic research those outside "Christianity" conduct.

What I am picking on you guys about matches a lot of their findings.

My whole point is that "ye" (or "all of you") have not so learned Christ."

You're MAD's "for Christ's sake" - none of you have any business manifesting such traits.

Galatians 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?

Apparantly so...

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
get out of town

danoh is little jimmy hilston? :noway:

man - you need a score card to keep up around here


New member
I can help you with that.

Make two columns. Top of one write CULT. Put all MAD names under it.

Top of other column, write DANOH.



And your labels are off.

It's MADs and Some Cult-Like In Their Conduct, MADs...

Your club fitting nicely under that second label.


Well-known member
Every morn I kneel to pray
"Lord, help me to do this day
whatever Saint Danoh would have me do.
His ways are wise, his cause is just
in doctrine follow him l must
lest I'm cut off, cast out as a cultist fool.

"Lord, I know you said to follow Paul
in doctrine, but Paul's not all in all
for there's a guy down here to set us straight.
'You MADs are cultish, your doctrine wrong,
listen while I bang my gong
I won't accept you 'til you go along
I'll snide against you 'til you sing my song,'
and oft with unbelievers MADs he seems to hate.

"His name is Danoh, as You know,
from above he must've been sent below
to break our superstition cuz we're schmoes.
So please, dear Lord, lead me this day
down the path of Danoh's way
and help me do what Danoh
saintly Danoh
verbose Danoh
popish Danoh
whatever Danoh, and Richard Jordan, would have me do."

Next installment: Lord, Make Me More Like Danoh