Clinton agrees with 95% of TOL users on this religious point


Well-known member

“I am not Catholic. I’m a Methodist. But one of the things we share is a belief that in order to achieve salvation, we need both faith and good works,” Clinton told those gathered.

She spoke the truth -- Methodists believe that just as strongly as Catholics. So do most professing protestants and evangelicals.

Trump likely believes something along those lines as well, if he believes anything at all. Wouldn't be at all surprised.


Well-known member


New member

She spoke the truth -- Methodists believe that just as strongly as Catholics. So do most professing protestants and evangelicals.

Trump likely believes something along those lines as well, if he believes anything at all. Wouldn't be at all surprised.

Trump was raised in a mix of, on the one hand...

1 - So called "church" attendence in the assembly of the late Dr. Norman Vincint Peale of the "You Can If You Think You Can" New Age nonsense fame (all the big shots attended with their trophy wives; children and their Aryan like values)....

In other words, their Joel Olsteen.

On the other hand, Trump spent...

2 - A great deal of time (when not in school) at his infamous father's side as dad conducted his many dirty back room deals with his Organized Crime infested Tammany Hall buddies.

He better than Hillary...

Worse...both are perhaps...lost.

Only God...knows.


Well-known member
Trump was raised in a mix of, on the one hand...

1 - So called "church" attendence in the assembly of the late Dr. Norman Vincint Peale of the "You Can If You Think You Can" New Age nonsense fame (all the big shots attended with their trophy wives; children and their Aryan like values)....

On the other hand...

2 - A great deal of time (when not in school) at his infamous father's side as dad conducted his many dirty back room deals with his Organized Crime infested Tammany Hall buddies.

He better than Hillary...

Worse...both are perhaps...lost.

Only God...knows.

Oh, you were expecting a pastor to run this country? Quite a dreamer, aren't ya?


New member
Oh, you were expecting a pastor to run this country? Quite a dreamer, aren't ya?

Typical Trump/Hillary like taking issue with dessent.

No; I'm hoping for someone with just a bit of morality.

Ten to one you; like most, have not done your homework on the man.


Well-known member
Typical Trump/Hillary like taking issue with dessent.

No; I'm hoping for someone with just a bit of morality.

Ten to one you; like most, have not done your homework on the man.

A "bit of morality" you say? And you are the judge of another man's morality, right? Are you able to see into a man's heart as well as see all a man's actions? Truly amazing, Danoh.

I hate to break it to you, but even the most upright appearing man can be hiding a dark and evil side.

Silly me. I'm just going by who I think will actually do a better job in the office of POTUS.


New member
Hillary was agreeing with Jesus and his brother James but disagreeing with Paul.

Since we know Trump reads "Two" Corinthians, he probably agrees with Paul.


New member
A "bit of morality" you say? And you are the judge of another man's morality, right? Are you able to see into a man's heart as well as see all a man's actions? Truly amazing, Danoh.

I hate to break it to you, but even the most upright appearing man can be hiding a dark and evil side.

Silly me. I'm just going by who I think will actually do a better job in the office of POTUS.

And we just might go round and round - for your obvious failure to do the research - but we won't.

To do so is a waste of time to no avail.

I doubt it; but let's hope I have been wrong about the man.

I will vote for neither of those two.


Well-known member
And we just might go round and round - for your obvious failure to do the research - but we won't.

No amount of research can take the place of common sense. Your patronizing tone not withstanding.

I doubt it; but let's hope I have been wrong about the man.

I will vote for neither of those two.

You're helping put Clinton in office whether you admit it or not. I always find it odd when people can't see that. It would take a ground swell of loyal Americans to stop the outright destruction of this country that Hillary will bring with her Supreme Court appointments, and her open border policy, but you choose to sit back and gripe and talk about your conscientious objection. Whatever. I have no patience with that ignorant attitude.


New member
Typical Trump/Hillary like taking issue with dessent.

No; I'm hoping for someone with just a bit of morality.

Ten to one you; like most, have not done your homework on the man.

What makes you think your level of morality is greater than trumps? Especially if you are really Hilston. He had his theology down but was downright immoral.


New member
Beameup, at least you and one other (MAD based) individual have tried to look at this issue through the Scripture.

1 Thessalonians 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.


New member
What makes you think your level of morality is greater than trumps? Especially if you are really Hilston. He had his theology down but was downright immoral.

Lol - what a one sided illogic.

From a MAD, of all people.

The illogic continues to press on...:chuckle:


New member
A "bit of morality" you say? And you are the judge of another man's morality, right? Are you able to see into a man's heart as well as see all a man's actions? Truly amazing, Danoh.

I hate to break it to you, but even the most upright appearing man can be hiding a dark and evil side.

Silly me. I'm just going by who I think will actually do a better job in the office of POTUS.

The very illogic you each fight tooth and nail against all the religionists on TOL - the illogic of those who assert such nonsense over actually sitting down and getting the facts on what they assert.

As for your other bit - about my supposed tone - tell ya what; if I ever buy a movie theater; you'll be the first person I think of, should I need a projectionist :chuckle: