Primarily? This guy:,5&as_sdtp=
...who is extensively published on adjusting biases out of a climate data set.
Are you sure it wasn't James Hansen?
Primarily? This guy:,5&as_sdtp=
...who is extensively published on adjusting biases out of a climate data set.
Looks like you got snookered once again.
Do you know that NOAA used to supply a feed to organizations like PBS that showed record highs, lows, rain, & snowfall?
For some reason in 2013 NOAA stopped supplying the feed that showed record lows.
NOAA had no problem providing a map showing record highs, but since 2013 NOAA has a problem providing a map showing record lows.
Why do you think they did this?
Are you sure it wasn't James Hansen?
I don't really know what data feed you're talking about, and you didn't offer a source, so I honestly have no idea.
(Rocket learns that most climatologists in the 70s, worried about global warming)
(Rocket counters with a newspaper article citing unnamed "scientists.")
Yep. But marginally better than big cartoons, and posting faked magazine covers, I suppose.
NOAA runs the "National Climate Data Center". After February 3, 2014 NCDC stopped providing record high/low temps.
The newspapers did not seem to care about naming them back then
yet they had the same credibility then that you subscribe the so-called experts now.
You are just as gullible and duped as they were then so
why should you care what the names of the experts were back then you would believe them anyway.
BTW they were not worried about warming you dope
they were proclaiming an ice age but, warm is the new cold right?
That is because people were keeping track and it didn't jive with the bullcrap they were feeding the masses.
Eugenics anyone?
Like I said earlier, the feed from NCDC was used by PBS. PBS called their site "The Widget". Here is what PBS said about their site:
"We’ve built this widget so our viewers can understand the significance of the heat, not only in terms of raw degrees, but in a format that compares today’s temperatures to previous record highs"
Now that the record lows are far greater than the record highs, NCDC and PBS have changed their websites.
See, when we had the record highs, we were told over and over again it was because of man made global warming. But now that we have record lows, it's just weather.
The man made global warming hoax proponents are caught in their lies over and over again.
NOAA runs the "National Climate Data Center". After February 3, 2014 NCDC stopped providing record high/low temps.
From Feb 3, 2014:
Then for 6 months the site looked like this:
***As of last month, the site is back up again.
So, it was gone for 8 months?
No takers?
Based on post #559, "tetelestai" should believe in a flat-earth, geocentric universe because a literal interpretation of the Bible supports it and Galileo (and his successors) who advocated a heliocentric one were condemned as heretics by the Church!
Based on post #559, "tetelestai" should believe in a flat-earth, geocentric universe