climate change is a religion and unfalsifiable

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Well-known member

There’s breaking news from the Fifth-Generation Proxy War, or the Climate War, depending on your preferred narrative.

Canada’s annual wildfire season is burning brightly. So brightly that it’s TEN TIMES normal — 100 fires instead of the average 10 — which seems sort of like a lot, and raises a few questions. But don’t strain your cerebrum, because the official narrative says it’s climate change, provoked by a 3/100-degree annual increase in normal temperatures. So.

Or … it could be one single saboteur with a pocket propane torch and a car. Which makes more sense to you?

It’s probably climate change.

Note: this has nothing to do with it, but woke forestry allows uncontrolled forest growth in worship of Earth Mother Gaia. Uncleared forest growth creates tons of dry tinder. Dry tinder is easily ignited into uncontrollable, large-scale fires. On the other hand, normal, pre-woke forestry procedures regularly cleared underbrush and created lots of fire breaks, for just in case. The West’s adversaries certainly know our woke forestry practices create opportunities for a lone firebug to have a flammable field day.

Gary K

New member
the government thinks it has replaced god

I agree with this post of yours but disagree with your overall premise because the Bible disagrees with it.

Isa 51:6 Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath: for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment, and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner: but my salvation shall be for ever, and my righteousness shall not be abolished.

Rev 11:18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

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Well-known member
ocean warming not due to atmospheric co2

Even a single degree over the average temperature is statistically significant, as is a one-third degree increase, because of the fact there is SO much water in the oceans. It takes a truly enormous amount of energy to heat it all up. An unimaginable amount of energy.

Especially if you’re talking about heating all that water up QUICKLY.

Ethical’s theory is the only current explanation that makes sense. The only way to generate all that energy is with something like magma or water superheated by molten rock pouring into the ocean somewhere.

Imagine LOTS of new undersea volcanoes. That could do it.

And as it happens, we are also seeing hot spots — places in the oceans where temperatures range much higher than one degree — which would be consistent with giant superheated vents, undersea volcanoes, or magma leaks. The hot spots might be located above these areas where super-hot water is gushing into the oceans.

Hot spots are also inconsistent with global warming, for obvious reasons.

According to the Times’ June 1st op-ed, the distribution of heat is very inconsistent. In April there were some huge areas of the world’s oceans that were as much as two degrees over the 1971-2000 average. In other places off the Pacific coast of South America, it shot up as much as FIVE degrees. And sea-surface temperatures in spots off the Atlantic coast of North America — the places they are saying are “on fire” — registered almost FOURTEEN degrees above the 1971-2011 average.

Heating that much water by fourteen degrees requires a literally unimaginable amount of energy. Hence the scientists’ recourse to using billions of nuclear bombs to illustrate the situation.

I have no idea what any of this means, whether it’s something real or is another made up emergency, or whether there is any reason at all to even be concerned about it. Nor do the poor, baffled scientists. In one of the articles I reviewed, when the reporter asked a scientist what to expect in terms of weather and related side-effects from the ocean heating, she replied “Expect chaos.”

In other words, who knows? There doesn’t seem to be anything that can be done about it. We can’t fix this by making our dishwashers work even worse or by putting diapers on cows.

There’s no doubt we’re in for something new. The heating, which seems to have been happening for decades, is accelerating far beyond anything that can be explained by manmade carbon dioxide. And the first sacred cow to be slain will almost certainly be the “climate change” movement. It’s not carbon. It’s the ocean.

So I’m counting this whole thing as a blessing so far.

Maybe hotter oceans also explains why people have been acting so crazy the last few years. Who knows. I do NOT suggest worrying about this; if it’s a natural Earth process, which it sure looks like it is, then it should work out just fine. If you’re a nonbeliever, the Earth has been here for billions of years and isn’t going anywhere. And Christians already know how everything ends up anyway. We’ll be fine.

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Well-known member

Surely you’ve seen all the climate hysteria lately, and probably seen lots of counter argument. But there are some things they haven’t been telling us
Ready to learn something? Let’s meet the historic, record-shattering Hunga Tonga volcanic eruption of 2022, which I bet you never heard of. Back in January 2022, you were probably distracted by covid mandates or maybe by Biden calling himself “Senator” again. The short version is an underwater Pacific Ocean volcano named Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai, 490 feet under the waves, massively erupted, bigger than any other modern eruption, even bigger than Mount Pinatubo.

You never heard about it since it was underwater and nobody died. But the erupting lava instantly vaporized fantastic, unimaginable amounts of sea water, which billowed into the atmosphere, changing the water composition of Earth’s atmosphere and heating it up for years. In only a few days, the superheated water from the Hunga Tonga eruption blanketed the globe, pole to pole, East to West.

The eruption was so big it could be clearly seen from space.
Over the next year it would turn out that NASA badly underestimated the amount of water Hunga Tonga vaporized into the atmosphere. Current estimates are three times higher than the original: scientists now think it was closer to 150,000 metric tons, or 40 trillion gallons, of super-heated water instantly injected into the atmosphere. Talk about a greenhouse. Water vapor — humidity — is a much more effective greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.

Here’s a chart I found showing how atmospheric water vapor increased recently compared to the prior twenty years. The atmosphere’s water concentration is off the chart:

image 5.png

See that? For the first time since tracking began, the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is pegged out at the maximum, across the board.

for some reason, worldwide ocean surface temperatures have bafflingly jumped rapidly this year — much too fast for any cause to have been atmospheric.

First, although Antarctic ice has just very recently started melting quickly, and a lot, it is during a record cold winter in Antarctica right now, which is why you haven’t heard about it. The melting is pretty dramatic:


The following 2023 stories all show scientists have lately been discovering deep-sea “hydrothermal vents” that are “hot enough to melt lead”:


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Surely you’ve seen all the climate hysteria lately, and probably seen lots of counter argument. But there are some things they haven’t been telling us
Ready to learn something? Let’s meet the historic, record-shattering Hunga Tonga volcanic eruption of 2022, which I bet you never heard of. Back in January 2022, you were probably distracted by covid mandates or maybe by Biden calling himself “Senator” again. The short version is an underwater Pacific Ocean volcano named Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai, 490 feet under the waves, massively erupted, bigger than any other modern eruption, even bigger than Mount Pinatubo.

You never heard about it since it was underwater and nobody died. But the erupting lava instantly vaporized fantastic, unimaginable amounts of sea water, which billowed into the atmosphere, changing the water composition of Earth’s atmosphere and heating it up for years. In only a few days, the superheated water from the Hunga Tonga eruption blanketed the globe, pole to pole, East to West.

The eruption was so big it could be clearly seen from space.
Over the next year it would turn out that NASA badly underestimated the amount of water Hunga Tonga vaporized into the atmosphere. Current estimates are three times higher than the original: scientists now think it was closer to 150,000 metric tons, or 40 trillion gallons, of super-heated water instantly injected into the atmosphere. Talk about a greenhouse. Water vapor — humidity — is a much more effective greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.

Here’s a chart I found showing how atmospheric water vapor increased recently compared to the prior twenty years. The atmosphere’s water concentration is off the chart:

image 5.png
See that? For the first time since tracking began, the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is pegged out at the maximum, across the board.

for some reason, worldwide ocean surface temperatures have bafflingly jumped rapidly this year — much too fast for any cause to have been atmospheric.

First, although Antarctic ice has just very recently started melting quickly, and a lot, it is during a record cold winter in Antarctica right now, which is why you haven’t heard about it. The melting is pretty dramatic:


The following 2023 stories all show scientists have lately been discovering deep-sea “hydrothermal vents” that are “hot enough to melt lead”:

The only thing we can do to stop this is to destroy our economies and our cultures and give power over every aspect of our lives to our overlords

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Well-known member
The only thing we can do to stop this is to destroy our economies and our cultures and give power over every aspect of our lives to our overlords
that is the plan , and bodily autonomy too

this is the headline we have never seen

"First, although Antarctic ice has just very recently started melting quickly, and a lot, it is during a record cold winter in Antarctica right now, which is why you haven’t heard about it. The melting is pretty dramatic:"