New member
You are trying to pretend you understand science. Did you know C14 dating is good for only about 50,000 years? Did you know soft dinosaur tissue C14 dates at 30-40,000 years which is consistent with Biblical creation and the flood. (For explanation, read previous post in this thread on the topic)
Haha...NO NO NO!!!!!!..... You keep confusing evolutionary beliefs with science.*
Evolutionary concepts and theory are part of science. That doesn't make them right! Science can be right, but isn't always right. Just because I ascribe to science, doesn't mean I believe in evolution. (I don't accept evolutionary theory)
By your logic, we cannot accept any evidence that doesn't support the strictest of interpretations of words in the Bible. As God's Truth posed, point out dinosaurs in Genesis. By your reasoning, if they aren't mentioned explicitly, they are made up by evolutionists and science.
Time and again you twist my points to create false arguments, which I never made nor ascribed to. One such example saying I twisted Christ's words to alter their meaning. I never altered their meaning. I simply expounded upon possibility of interpretation.
You claim I hold a low view of Scripture. I assure you, I hold the highest view of it, and most likely higher than you (not meant as a personal attack, because I can demo with various other Scripture passages I know we will disagree on).
You claim I don't understand science. How can a young earth theorist say they understand science greater than a biologist, when the YE theorist rejects a majority of scientific discoveries? Not just biological and chemical discoveries, but also geological. Once again, I am not an evolutionist. No need to say I am believing it or using it. I utilize the Theory of Infinite Complexity, proposed by Dr Behe, to disprove the theory of evolution.