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a positive
A Lighthouse
A light shining in the darkness so ships don't crash on the rocks. The Church has been that light but today it is not shining so bright so the laity must do what they can to help preserve the Truth. The teachings of the Church are trustworthy but too often they are being ignored to make others comfortable. It is time for the laity to proclaim the good news to all nations.


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a question of priorities
A Woman's Choice
A feminist knows what is important. It is not killing babies up to and including the day they are born. Not killing gramma. Both are acceptable. What is not? Sexual harassment. That is going too far. They will want to get rid of you for that. Who would have thunk it? A bridge too far. It is time for a reality check ladies.


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a child
A Mother
A father matters. A family matters. Marriage matters. A black child with a mother and a father has a better future than a white child with just a mother. Protecting the child is job one. It takes a family. It takes a father. It takes the Church to remind us that life, marriage, and family are sacred. Save the Church. Save the Truth. The Truth Matters.


Hall of Fame
Sexual harassment. That is going too far. They will want to get rid of you for that. Who would have thunk it? A bridge too far. It is time for a reality check ladies.
Women refuse to allow themselves to be sexually harassed. Imagine that.


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a freedom
A Faith
A truth will survive a free and open discussion. Not the lie. Logic and reason will always win the argument. The lie must be protected by canceling freedom. Fear, which is the opposite of faith, is necessary to suppress those who cling to their bible and guns. Covid and climate change can be used to create the necessary fear.


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a standard
A Good Practice
A means to ensure Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness. Everyone starts out with a mother and a father. The Church teaches that the parents should stay together to protect the child. To teach each child how to live a good productive life. The Church also teaches mercy and forgiveness for all who don't meet that standard. The Church and state must work together to fix broken families. We now have to protect the Church.


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a wolf in sheep's clothing
A Threat to the Church
A warning to the laity. The teachings of the Church are being ignored. Our job is to speak the Truth to all nations. The Truth about Life, Marriage, and Family. Save the Truth. Save the Church. Save your soul. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing. We have been warned.


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a father
A Necessary Ingredient
A saint is optional. Joseph was there to show us a father is not optional. It takes a father to start a family and it takes a father to keep it together. A father matters. A child does better with a father around. The teachings of the Church protect Life, Marriage, and Family. The laity must now speak out to make sure these teachings are not being ignored.


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a school not being used
A Solution to the Border Crisis
A place to put the immigrants. Open the schools and let them in. Teach them English. Call it home schooling. Teach them how to organize and form a union for protection. It worked for the teachers. Teach them how to fill out a mail in ballot. Harvesting immigrants is as easy as harvesting ballots and just in time for next year's election. Home


Hall of Fame
Your party is out of touch and doesn’t represent the country... but go on and blame everyone else for the problems that they created with your support ...


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a protection of the child
A Purpose
A marriage of the father and the mother protects the child. The child needs to be protected even before being born. The teachings of the Church protect the child but only when taught by the bishops. The laity needs to start teaching this.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
a protection of the child
A Purpose
A marriage of the father and the mother protects the child. The child needs to be protected even before being born. The teachings of the Church protect the child but only when taught by the bishops. The laity needs to start teaching this.
a life
A Marriage
A family. The child joins a man and a woman together. A Trinity in Their Image. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. The teachings of the Church hold the sanctity of Life, Marriage, and Family. It is the job of the laity to speak out on this if the bishops don't.
The bishops teach this without end, in our Catechism. Whatever you want to know that the bishops all teach uniformly, is in the Catechism.


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Hall of Fame
a new normal
A Crisis in the Church
A scandal involving money and sex. The teachings of the Church are being ignored along with attempts to change them. The bishops are not doing their job. It is now up to the laity to speak out on what is important like Life, Marriage, and Family.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
...The teachings of the Church are being ignored along with attempts to change them...
Did you see the pope come out in favor of Church marriage recently? He was unambiguous about it. It was so clearly spoken that many supporters of this pope were saddened because they had thought that he and the magisterium were working to change Catholic teachings on marriage (found in the Catechism). But that didn't happen, and it couldn't happen, because the matter is Apostolicity, and when Apostolicity is confirmed so openly in the New Testament, like with the matter of marriage, you don't have to be a pope to know that it's Apostolic. It can't change, because the Apostles didn't leave any opening to change what they all taught.