Does the new Jerusalem (Rome) have falafels?
I've felt awful in Rome before.
Does the new Jerusalem (Rome) have falafels?
Hello dear Chrys, hug. I remember reading your accout of going to Jerusalem. I loved it and dare say anyone who read it thoroughly enjoyed it. 'Twas facsinating and somewhat exhilarating because it was like seeing it. No lie, good writing. Sorry to hear it was deleted and also that you didn't save a copy?! Me oh my. In sympathy I won't talk any politics with you, is almost noon on the right coast
so what is for lunch?
do you make falafels?
go out for them
how did you get started on falafels?
you never forget your first one
you never forget jerusalem
did you ever post about your trip?
yes but it was deleted along with many other threads
you have some left
only three pages
are you worried more will be deleted?
Hello dear Chrys, hug. I remember reading your accout of going to Jerusalem. I loved it and dare say anyone who read it thoroughly enjoyed it. 'Twas facsinating and somewhat exhilarating because it was like seeing it. No lie, good writing. Sorry to hear it was deleted and also that you didn't save a copy?! Me oh my. In sympathy I won't talk any politics with you, hug.
Trump/Pence Wins !!!thank you, thank you very much -
I do have a copy somewhere -
I will have to look -
it may be on one of my old computers -
don't know when I will get back to them -
the political situation is sad, very sad, but life goes on
He was on outnumbered this am but I couldn't hear their talk only saw his little cute face, I'd like to pinch his cheek. How do you make your chicken curry, please?it is noon on the right coast
so what is for lunch?
is it that cold?
no but cool enough to start cooking
chili sounds good
so how are your projects coming?
trying to make sense out of what newton wrote on the apocalypse
is it published?
not exactly
what do you mean?
he never finished it so others are publishing what he wrote