

Well-known member
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A Cat
when you encounter one in the street. Rule 12 of Jordan Peterson is "Pet a cat when you encounter one in the street". I have always preferred cats. You have to let them come to you. They need to smell you. They also like strings that move. This is a good thing.


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it is
A Phenomena
and everyone wants to get in on the act including me. If you want more attention just interview Jordan Peterson and you will get it. If you can't get an interview just attack him like many are doing. It is an act alright and my favorite part is when they ask him why he is doing it. His voice starts to quiver and a tear starts to form as he explains that he knows he is helping people and if you have the time he has the time to give examples. There are others who can explain why this is a phenomena.


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Heather Heying
A Liberal
seems to understand the phenomena of Jordan Peterson. She and her husband Bret Weinstein were involved in the Evergreen State College incident which might be worth your time. Anyway Heather in a long interview was asked about Jordan Peterson. There is nothing new about what Peterson is presenting. At least two generations just didn't get it from their parents, their teachers, or their religion. It's kind of like what Harry Potter is doing. The kids are on their own and must figure out a way to cope in this world without magic. Maybe Jordan Peterson has that magic.


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as an individual or
A Group
you face the world. This is the heart of the matter for Jordan Peterson. It will determine your ability to deal with the world and also your ability to be happy. If you primarily identify with a group, your chances are not good. You have no control over a group. Your only chance is to try to control yourself. This is where you begin.


like marbles on glass
Heather Heying
A Liberal
seems to understand the phenomena of Jordan Peterson. She and her husband Bret Weinstein were involved in the Evergreen State College incident which might be worth your time. Anyway Heather in a long interview was asked about Jordan Peterson. There is nothing new about what Peterson is presenting. At least two generations just didn't get it from their parents, their teachers, or their religion. It's kind of like what Harry Potter is doing. The kids are on their own and must figure out a way to cope in this world without magic. Maybe Jordan Peterson has that magic.


And he's not that.

Unless you're into, like, men's rights, the preservation of patriarchy, stuff like that.


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are you
A Groupie
that follows the crowd? Are you concerned about climate change? How did you learn about this? Chances are someone you trust told you about it. Someone who belongs to a group. Group pressure for the most part will determine your views on a particular issue. Only the enlightened person will resist being formed by the group they identify with. Only the enlightened person has a chance at being an individual who is control of what they believe.


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don't be
A Victim
if you want to be happy. A woman or a black who identifies primarily with their respective group will never be satisfied. Only those who can identify as an individual have a chance to make something of their lives. You can't control your group but you can improve yourself which is necessary to better your situation. Get started on yourself. It's your only chance.


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Hall of Fame
an individualist or
A Collectivist
is a decision each of us will make according to Jordan Peterson. It will determine the course of your life. "Put Your Oxygen Mask on First" is what you hear on the airplane. You have to take care of yourself before you can help others. It is way too easy to focus on something you have no control over. Something like climate change. Something you know nothing about. Get with those who are talking about it and be a collectivist. You are now a victim.


like marbles on glass
He is more of a Christian than anyone that I know of.

You have a low bar, then, because he doesn't believe in God. He uses bible stories, but not because he believes them. He talks a lot of spiritual gobbledygook that no Christian would let pass - unless they really want to think of Peterson as their archetypical patriarchal hero and are willing to ignore everything else and then hey, Christianity can be redefined if necessary.


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Hall of Fame
an individualist is
A Free Person
who thinks about the issues and is able to prioritize. You come first. Your family second. If you don't take care of yourself, you can't take care of your family. Set yourself free from all the groups you identify with. You can't help them and they can only distract you from what is really important to you. You can't save the world but you can make a difference in your part of it.


like marbles on glass
something that you can do nothing about

I can do something about it, I can point out to you that you're captivated by packaging, not substance.

it can prevent you from living your life to its fullest

Do you even realize how ironic that is...

Thank you though, and I mean that sincerely, because you caused me to do a little searching for something that would flesh out the framework of an idea in my mind that I couldn't quite put a finger on and I found something else along the way (more on that later).

Peterson is Jungian, I knew this, which is why the archetype would come into play and why I brought it up yesterday.

And he's not a Christian although he apparently wants to sound like one for his own nebulous purposes. (Wanting to appear purposefully nebulous for effect?) You see him as "more of a Christian than anyone I know of," but for what? His living out of the two greatest commandments? Or because he reassures you when you're alarmed by modernity?

You may call this confirmation bias, and maybe there's some truth to that, but I found the description needed: "theological patina." Up early this morning (best time to study) I found it in Catholic World Report, hardly a modernist publication:

Jordan Peterson’s Jungian best-seller is banal, superficial, and insidious
The real danger in 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos is its apologia for social Darwinism and bourgeois individualism covered over with a theological patina.

You might want to brace yourself, because Peterson is eviscerated in every possible way, and it isn't pretty if you're an ardent believer in Jordan Peterson.

But here's the gem I found along the way that made this all worthwhile. The author ("Dr. Adam A. J. DeVille is associate professor and chairman of the Department of Theology-Philosophy, University of Saint Francis (Fort Wayne, IN) and author of Orthodoxy and the Roman Papacy (University of Notre Dame, 2011)") reminded me of the saintly humanitarian Jean Vanier, founder of the L'Arche communities, perhaps you've heard of him. Years ago I read his book From Brokenness to Community. If you don't know of Jean Vanier, perhaps you'll read something by him, because he's a far better archetype for "more of a Christian than anyone I know" than Jordan Peterson could ever be.