

like marbles on glass
There is nothing more important than the life of a baby whether it is yours or somebody else's
you have to do whatever you can to protect it
nothing is more important

I did protect the lives of my babies, I made the choice for life (not that there was any other choice I would've made, I acknowledge it was never a temptation, nor was I ever in fear of the consequences of childbirth). I know what it's like to feel that little life move within me, and I've always been fully aware that little body wasn't my body, it was another body, another life. That's why I've always been, and always will be, pro-life. You will never have that feeling of carrying your child. You cannot live the life of a woman for her, much as it seems you want to try.

For those women afraid to bring a child into a world of abuse, who carry a child with such massive malformation as to make life short and miserable for them, whose child is borne of rape or incest, what will you say to them that recognizes that they too are a person worthy of love? How do you reach out to them? In love, or in self-righteous judgment?

Let's take this another step: don't you think the Church could've prevented millions of abortions by not condemning birth control as sinful?


like marbles on glass
What the Church did or didn't do has nothing to do with whether or not abortion is wrong

That's not what I said though, is it?

Could the Church have prevented millions of abortions by not making birth control sinful?

I think they could have. What do you think?


New member
There is nothing more important than the life of a baby whether it is yours or somebody else's
you have to do whatever you can to protect it
nothing is more important

I have to disagree with that statement. The glory and honour of the Eternal Almighty is the reason and purpose for all that has been created.

...far more important.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
That's not what I said though, is it?

Could the Church have prevented millions of abortions by not making birth control sinful?

I think they could have. What do you think?

no no no
birth control is wrong
it is against natural law
it is not as serious as killing a baby!!!
does making it okay to use birth control stop you from killing your baby???
I don't think so
you are so good at stats
so try this
track the use of contraceptives with abortions
I don't have to look
they both go up together


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Could the Church have prevented millions of abortions by not making birth control sinful?

I think they could have. What do you think?
iow 'moral relativism.'

If the answer to your question is 'yes,' does that imply to you that therefore we ought not teach or believe that indiscriminate abortion is among the gravest evils?

It doesn't matter if the Church teaching that abortion isn't evil at all, results in zero abortions forever---the Church is not relativistic in morals. Her morals are the Apostles' morals, and they are therefore the Lord's own morals. And Christ's view on the matter is that indiscriminate abortion with full knowledge and with deliberate consent is murder, not just killing.

How could the Church even consider for a moment teaching anything other than the above, and clearly? It is what the Lord Jesus Christ is saying today, it is His authentic view of the matter, He says that abortion is killing, not just a medical procedure.

But we still possess the inalienable right to religious liberty, even in the context of the above.

Our first pope "Swede" Saint Peter instructed us on the matter (1Pt2:13-17KJV):

Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; 14 Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. 15 For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: 16 As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God. 17 Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.

Live as free, and that to me means abortion is legal, and we are to as people discriminate ourselves whether it is performed in justified self-defense, or in justified defense of others, who are innocent of all capital crimes.

Mothers shouldn't be dragged to court over an abortion in any but the most cruel or unusual cases. Self defense is an inalienable right, and if the right to abortion is not infringed, then mothers who go through a terrible ordeal needn't even register with police or the government, if she feels that she must terminate her own pregnancy in justified self defense. That's enough ordeal for any human all by itself.

So Peter says, don't exploit this freedom (cf. Saint Paul's " . . . ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh . . . . " Gal5:13KJV). You are free to commit abortion with full knowledge and deliberate consent that it's killing, indiscriminately, or for your own selfish gain, but because the right is inalienable, we are not authorized to make laws infringing this right, any more than we are authorized to infringe the inalienable right to bear arms, which is explicitly enshrined in the Bill of Rights, where abortion rights are not mentioned anywhere in the whole Constitution; but please, don't take advantage of this freedom, for evil.

"As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God."

Abortion is a religious matter.
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
not the time for mercy, forgiveness, silence
A Crisis in the Church
that you can't ignore. Now is the time to find out what the hell is going on and do something about it. Find a trusted source. That once was the pope and his bishops. Not anymore. I trust Vigano and Voris. Only you can determine who to trust.

who to trust
A Crisis in the Church
that you can't ignore. You can't trust anyone who talks about climate change. It's a distraction. They don't want to talk about abortion or homosexuality. They don't want to protect the child. They want to protect the environment. They want to talk about equality. Not the child, marriage, family, religion, and the Church.


like marbles on glass
WH Bars Intel Agency From Testifying That Climate Change Is ‘Possibly Catastrophic’

The White House blocked a State Department intelligence agency from submitting testimony to the House Intel Committee stating that climate change is “possibly catastrophic.”

According to the Washington Post, the administration blocked the testimony wholesale after State Department officials refused to remove references to climate change.

The officials reportedly said that the climate change findings in the testimony, coming from government research, did not match the administration’s official stance and thus were inadmissible.

Trump has consistently denied his own government’s dire warnings about the state of the planet.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You can't trust Anna
She is not only talking about climate change
She is doing it to deliberately disrupt a serious presentation on homosexuality in the Church


like marbles on glass
Really... who first brought climate change into the conversation?

I bet you are also worried about climate change

Are you also worried about climate change?

You can't trust anyone who talks about climate change

You can't trust Anna
She is not only talking about climate change
She is doing it to deliberately disrupt a serious presentation on homosexuality in the Church

Interesting timeline, don't you think?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
who to trust
A Crisis in the Church
that you can't ignore. You can't trust anyone who talks about climate change. It's a distraction. They don't want to talk about abortion or homosexuality. They don't want to protect the child. They want to protect the environment. They want to talk about equality. Not the child, marriage, family, religion, and the Church.

homosexuals are being protected
A Crisis in the Church
that you can't ignore. By the pope, the cardinals, the bishops, the media and the Democratic Party. They continue to call it a pedophile problem and not a homosexual problem. They blame it on clericalism and not on homosexuality. They use the age of the victims to hide the real cause. They use money to buy silence. They use lawyers to limit liability. They cannot be trusted.


like marbles on glass
I am not asking you to trust me

I didn't say you are, nor do I think you are, nor will I.

I am asking you and others to find out for yourself
stop just googling stuff that confirms your preconceived notions

You have no idea that's what I'm doing though, it's more like your preconceived notion of what you think I'm doing. I gave you a link to Church Militant, for example, and it's not like I'm pulling that up to read every week.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
China trade
A Double Orange Daylily
"This is no ordinary Orange ditch Lily, this is a DOUBLE Orange daylily, it has a flower within a flower." From Amazon. NOT from Shanghai, China! Fast forward. I am watching CSPAN early in the morning and they are investigating Huawei and the question is "has Huawei corrupted any of its users"? The answer is "not to my knowlege but I do know they can redirect inquiries". Whoa! My double orange daylilies were ordered on a Huawei device! Redirect Notice I was still excited. I may get an exotic daylily from China for only $30. The "ordinary Orange ditch Lily" is now in bloom. Yes, we got our money back. Yes, we had to send a picture. Yes, they wanted us to pay half for a single!