Christianity vs karma

James Dalton

And that's why I hate you, and that's why everybody hates you, because you're setting us all up as a devilish trap. What kind of demon does that to people who are in this world doing the absolutely best we can, to be ambushed like this, by you, by eternal fools like you, who are out to prove that everybody's capable of sin. Everybody's capable of sin, you enormous jerk. Everybody can be tricked, conned, connived, mislead into sin. Everybody. Congrats for proving that, you immense moron. Censored. Censored, GT. You're a jerk.

There's a verse in 1 John 4:8 that makes your post seem like a bad idea. Just an observation.


Literal lunatic
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Lets keep the karma (thoughts, intents, actions) here positive please. Remember, every thought, intent and action will naturally engender consequential re-actions. Knowing this, let love and wisdom guide our discussions. Thank You :)

Nice flower.

But I'm hauling hay today 2 mile round trip in an open cab side by side.

Through 30 mile an hour north wind carryin' sleet and mist.

4 bales atta time.

Thank God for gloves, hoodies and Crown Royal whiskey.


God's Truth

New member
I see your direction here, but you may be a bit hasty. God's forgiveness of the Goddless is the ultimate example of God trading his perfect Karma for our bad karma. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you... Jesus mastering karma for us. Spiritual sight? Jesus taught it better than anyone else. Third sight was a heavy focus of Christ. To say Karma isn't spoken of in Christianity is to miss the mark.

Jesus even identifies Love as the mark of his sheep. This is a Karma statement. A true student of Karma knows that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Jesus statement.

Karma is a doctrine of demons. Just ask for the scriptures if you don't know where there are.

God did not trade His karma for our bad karma.

You speak things that are not from God.

James Dalton

Karma is a doctrine of demons. Just ask for the scriptures if you don't know where there are.

God did not trade His karma for our bad karma.

You speak things that are not from God.

I understand your shock. But Luke 6:31 is only 1 example of many where Jesus eludes to deeper spiritual teachings. To become sin, yet have no sin to declare the sinner sinnless?