Christian songs - what do you listen to?

Lion IRC

New member
"Oh Bethlehem, what you have missed while you were sleeping
For God became a man and stepped into your world today
Oh Bethlehem, you will go down in history
As a city with no room for its King

While you were sleeping
While you were sleeping

...Jerusalem, what you have missed while you were sleeping
The Savior of the world is dying on your cross today
Jerusalem, you will go down in history
As a city with no room for its King

While you were sleeping
While you were sleeping

...United States of America
Looks like another silent night...

While you were sleeping
While you were sleeping

America, what will we miss while we are sleeping...

America, will we go down in history
As a nation with no room for its King

...will we be sleeping???"

"While You Were Sleeping"- Mark Hall / Casting Crowns
Reunion Label 2008

While You Were Sleeping
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It has always been interesting to me that there are just as many and contradictory theologies and interpretations found in our hymns as there are found in the four gospels. And the thousands and thousands of denominations.


Well-known member
We had the same type of music when I was growing up.

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First, hit the 'new reply' button and ignore/don't use the quick reply window.

Next, just above you'll see a "YouTube" icon up above and to your right (second icon from the right).

Click it and type in "Sacred Heart" (or any title you like, doesn't matter) and click "ok"

Next copy the last part of your link after the equal sign
- "G2Ejipe3rVE" in this case from your link.

Paste it between the ] G2Ejipe3rVE [ marks that will pop up.
{YT="Sacred Heart"]G2Ejipe3rVE[/YT}
It'll look close to this but with [ ] braces instead of { } these

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Sacred Heart