Christian Kids in the Public School


Talking about homeschoolers being socially inadequet is cheap too, don't you think?
Far less of a cheap shot than calling public school kids "joint rolling condom wearing" losers.

You can say you have a good public school. You've gotten involved with your children's education. Great. But the majority of children that go through the public school system grow up hearing and seeing things that should not be a part of their daily lives. Do you agree that there are numorous cases of a bad influence or decision in the public school system?
I agree 100% - and that is EXACTLY why Christians need to get off our lazy, complaining butts, and get in there & make a difference!

We are called to be salt & light - not loud-mouthed complainers.

By the way, I have extended FAMILY who home-schooled their kids. And the kids are weirdos.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
We are called to be salt & light - not loud-mouthed complainers.
Right. Vote with your feet and tell them what they are doing wrong. That's the most effective thing you can do with public schools. If you think you can change the system from the inside, you are incredibly naive.

By the way, I have extended FAMILY who home-schooled their kids. And the kids are weirdos.
We have neighbors and extended family and their kid's lives are the kind of train-wrecks you can predict from pubic schooling.

And by weirdos, do you mean evil?


Right. Vote with your feet and tell them what they are doing wrong. That's the most effective thing you can do with public schools. If you think you can change the system from the inside, you are incredibly naive.
Oh really?
Then why was that EXACTLY what I was able to do for nearly 20 years?

We have neighbors and extended family and their kid's lives are the kind of train-wrecks you can predict from pubic schooling.
And that's all the fault of the public schools?

And by weirdos, do you mean evil?
I mean weirdos.


New member
If kids who attend public school are not sex-fiend drugees, then that is certainly the exception to the rule. When the MAJORITY do behave that way - it's easy to make generalizations.

Oh good grief, either America has a MAJOR problem or you're just exhibiting snobbery and paranoia, I went to a public school - as did most of my friends- and its safe to say that none of us turned into drugged up sex maniacs :doh:


Merely Christian
Unless you know every homeschooler on the planet, I don't see how you can say it's without merit.

I said based one evey one I know.

My experience tells me that public school can provide a great education without any of the problems mentioned in this thread, but I know that that's not always the case..

And based on every one I know, it's exactly the case and worse. Like the gang rape of a retarded girl that was video taped in OH.


Merely Christian
Did anyone here go to a variety of different types of schools, or have their children go to a variety of different types of schools?

I went to a small public school, a large public school, and a Christian prep school. My daughter went to a Christian school and is now homeschooled.

Mr. 5020

New member
- If we want to see America's public schools improve, we darned well better get in and try to make a difference. Those who are unwilling to get in, work hard, and at least try to improve the situation have no business sitting on our lazy butts and criticizing those who ARE involved. It's no different than people who don't vote screaming about our government.
- We need to strongly encourage our Christian young people to go to college for, and to become, CHRISTIAN teachers in our public schools. What better place to affect change than from the inside!
- We need to get involved on the School Board level, get to know the administrators and get involved in things like PTA, etc.

Don't just stand around criticizing. Get involved and make a difference!
I agree with this, but to use your children as tools for that is just wrong.

On a personal note, I am finishing up my first year working in the public school system. It's horrible, but, I must admit, I live in South Texas with one of the worst school systems in America. Parents that get involved are shunned on a weekly basis. We've had two shootings this month in my district, and two others in nearby districts. And just last week, I met a 6th grade girl that is pregnant.

And to answer a question asked earlier by kmoney, when I graduated from high school (in 2001), 46% of my fellow graduates were illiterate.

And Nomad...let's roll. :)


Merely Christian
But don't expect to be taken seriously, because talk is cheap and non-involved critics are a dime-a-dozen. Sorry...

"Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching." It's hard not to be involved when it's tax money being spent.


Merely Christian
From bottom to top:

No, my kids don't believe the theory of evolution nonsense.
Our oldest son will soon be 22.

That's awsome! Unfortunately it took me a long time to shake that off.

I was repeatedly invited - as a pastor - to teach "Sex Ed From A Christian Perspective" in our public school. We taught in both junior high and senior high - and did this for YEARS.

Mind if I ask what the curriculum was?

And I'll respectfully disagree with the idea that "warning people" is actually getting involved and making a difference.

But really, that isn't your call to make :)

Nin, you're obviously a wonderful person - but we simply don't see eye-to-eye on this.

I know :) But we can all have a nice discussion about it :)


I agree with this, but to use your children as tools for that is just wrong.

On a personal note, I am finishing up my first year working in the public school system. It's horrible, but, I must admit, I live in South Texas with one of the worst school systems in America. Parents that get involved are shunned on a weekly basis. We've had two shootings this month in my district, and two others in nearby districts. And just last week, I met a 6th grade girl that is pregnant.

And to answer a question asked earlier by kmoney, when I graduated from high school (in 2001), 46% of my fellow graduates were illiterate.

And Nomad...let's roll. :)

Those are good points.

Now... if home-schooled, what percent of your classmates would have still been illiterate? I'd guess it'd be nearly 50%.


That's awsome! Unfortunately it took me a long time to shake that off.

Mind if I ask what the curriculum was?

But really, that isn't your call to make :)

I know :) But we can all have a nice discussion about it :)
If you want to "have a nice discussion about it" you need to stop using extreme cases, and broad-brushing them as though they apply to every school. :eek:

As per our Sex Ed Curriculum... We wrote it ourselves (local pastors & youth pastors). Did this mean that "the condom lady" from Planned Parenthood was not allowed to teach? No, it doesn't. But it allowed me - and pastors like me - to be IN THE CLASSROOM FOR A WHOLE WEEK. We talked to the kids, we presented them information, we let them ask questions, we provided balanced views. We had captive audiences right in the school, for crying out loud!

I'm here to tell you that all these people who are screaming expletives about the Public Schools, and saying there is NOTHING that can be done are DEAD WRONG.

I've been in our public schools, I've been involved, I've made a difference.

We moved last year, and our daughter is now in an urban high school, with well over 2,000 students. She's doing GREAT. It's a GOOD school. As I write, she's sitting in the chair beside me, studying College-Bound Geometry. And she's a freshman.

In fact, just last fall, 3 students from that "evil" public high school got perfect scores on their ACT tests. Pardon the bluntness, but this is something that you will NOT have happen with home-schooled kids.

Mr. 5020

New member
Those are good points.

Now... if home-schooled, what percent of your classmates would have still been illiterate? I'd guess it'd be nearly 50%.
Not sure. The only home-schooled peers I have are TOL'ers named Lucky and jeremiah85. Both of them seem literate.

Let me use this post to quote from a past thread...
Now compare your logic [or lack thereof] to the word of God.
Proverbs 22:6 (KJV)
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Now, let's look at Nomad's version of the same scripture.
Proverbs 22:6 (NRV)
Train up a child in all the different ways he can possibly go: and when he is old, hopefully he'll pick the right one. He's smart enough.
You all kind of shifted towards science, which I'm pretty familiar with (at the elementary school level). My roommate is a Science Lab Manager, and I teach science when I don't have a computer class going.

The fact of the matter is that the public schools [in Texas, anyways] exclusively teach Evolution as the origin of mankind. They also teach the Big Bang as the origin of the universe as we know it. My roommate and I both have to cover it as a theory, but we both make our views clear to the children when it comes up.

We even spend specific time teaching them specific principles (like the Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum) and explain that some theories [like the Big Bang] are therefore impossible. (I'm sure their regular science teachers love us!)

Nonetheless, unless your kids science teachers happen to be TOL's members Mr. 5020 or BOLDminister, the odds are that they are being taught Evolution as the only possible scenario.


Not sure. The only home-schooled peers I have are TOL'ers named Lucky and jeremiah85. Both of them seem literate.

Let me use this post to quote from a past thread...
I'm with you on this whole Religion of Evolution crap.

But here's the deal... They teach it EXCLUSIVELY at every secular college and university in the nation. Who's going to protect little Johnny there? Perhaps that is one of the main reasons that 85+% of "Christian" kids, who go to a secular college or university, walk away from their faith within 2 years. They're not ready to face the rigors of the real world!

My wife & I RAISED our kids. We didn't just "let them grow up" or "let them get older". We helped them deal with all this secular nonsense as they were growing up. We talked with our kids all the time. We discussed the Religion of Evolution. We talked openly with them about sex, and why it's worth waiting for marriage. We discussed drugs and alcohol. And our sons, who are now in their early 20s, have NOT lost their faith, they have NOT been blindsided by things they'd never heard of.


Merely Christian
If you want to "have a nice discussion about it" you need to stop using extreme cases, and broad-brushing them as though they apply to every school. :eek:

With the exception of the private school I attended, sex and alcohol was the norm. It seems to be pretty much across the board. Look at FL during spring break.

As per our Sex Ed Curriculum... We wrote it ourselves (local pastors & youth pastors). Did this mean that "the condom lady" from Planned Parenthood was not allowed to teach? No, it doesn't. But it allowed me - and pastors like me - to be IN THE CLASSROOM FOR A WHOLE WEEK. We talked to the kids, we presented them information, we let them ask questions, we provided balanced views. We had captive audiences right in the school, for crying out loud!

Mind if I ask what the curriculum was?

I'm here to tell you that all these people who are screaming expletives about the Public Schools, and saying there is NOTHING that can be done are DEAD WRONG.

I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but...

It was only a couple of day ago you made this same sort of remark, when the only person seeming to be getting upset was you.

I've been in our public schools, I've been involved, I've made a difference.

I've been in them too. And they wasted 12 years of my life.

We moved last year, and our daughter is now in an urban high school, with well over 2,000 students. She's doing GREAT. It's a GOOD school. As I write, she's sitting in the chair beside me, studying College-Bound Geometry. And she's a freshman.

In fact, just last fall, 3 students from that "evil" public high school got perfect scores on their ACT tests. Pardon the bluntness, but this is something that you will NOT have happen with home-schooled kids.

You are free to believe as you like. After all it was a homeschooler who won the Geography Bee this year :)


With the exception of the private school I attended, sex and alcohol was the norm. It seems to be pretty much across the board. Look at FL during spring break.
Random stupid sex, irresponsible drinking, and sheer stupidity is the norm EVERYWHERE - not just in Public Schools.

Mind if I ask what the curriculum was?
I already said that it was stuff we wrote ourselves.
I don't have access to it right now.

I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but... It was only a couple of day ago you made this same sort of remark, when the only person seeming to be getting upset was you.

I've been in them too. And they wasted 12 years of my life.
Well... I feel badly that you wasted that many years of your life.

You are free to believe as you like. After all it was a homeschooler who won the Geography Bee this year :)

Here are some questions for you...

Who is going to teach your kids advanced trigonometry, chemistry and physics?

Personally, I am qualified to teach some subjects at a college level. But there are other subjects that I am not qualified to teach - even at a junior high level. It is silly to think that I can do a better job teaching some of these specific disciplines than those who have college (and advanced college) degrees in them.

A home-schooled kid won the National Geography Bee. That's great!

Mr. 5020

New member
Here are some questions for you...

Who is going to teach your kids advanced trigonometry, chemistry and physics?

Personally, I am qualified to teach some subjects at a college level. But there are other subjects that I am not qualified to teach - even at a junior high level. It is silly to think that I can do a better job teaching some of these specific disciplines than those who have college (and advanced college) degrees in them.
A lot of curricula come with videos so another teacher can explain challenging topics.


A lot of curricula come with videos so another teacher can explain challenging topics.

So home-schoolers just turn on the TV to educate their kids? What kind of education is THAT? Does the TV answer questions the kids have?

(See how easy this is, to turn the tables and grill home-schoolers the way home-schoolers grill the public schools? ;))


Well-known member
If you want to "have a nice discussion about it" you need to stop using extreme cases, and broad-brushing them as though they apply to every school. :eek:

As per our Sex Ed Curriculum... We wrote it ourselves (local pastors & youth pastors). Did this mean that "the condom lady" from Planned Parenthood was not allowed to teach? No, it doesn't. But it allowed me - and pastors like me - to be IN THE CLASSROOM FOR A WHOLE WEEK. We talked to the kids, we presented them information, we let them ask questions, we provided balanced views. We had captive audiences right in the school, for crying out loud!

I'm here to tell you that all these people who are screaming expletives about the Public Schools, and saying there is NOTHING that can be done are DEAD WRONG.

I've been in our public schools, I've been involved, I've made a difference.

We moved last year, and our daughter is now in an urban high school, with well over 2,000 students. She's doing GREAT. It's a GOOD school. As I write, she's sitting in the chair beside me, studying College-Bound Geometry. And she's a freshman.

In fact, just last fall, 3 students from that "evil" public high school got perfect scores on their ACT tests. Pardon the bluntness, but this is something that you will NOT have happen with home-schooled kids.

That's great you're so involved with the school(s), PJ, and making a difference. Involvement like that is positive and resounding.


Surely you are smarter than that.
I am not a home-schooler.

Yes I AM smarter than that - and that's the whole point.

I don't have to run down home-schoolers, and people who send their kids to private schools, in an attempt to make myself feel better about sending my kids to public school.

Others here should pick up on that...