ECT Christ suffered and died to atone for the sins of believers.

God's Truth

New member
I went back to the original site and there is no information about specific dates. ( My focus was on the concept of the “yoke”). It appears to me that this was part of the general education process in place for Jewish boys during the age when Jesus was on the earth.
I only wanted to comment on the concept of the "yoke", but is interesting to learn new information.

You are not going to find God's Truth by disobeying Jesus and calling others 'Rabbi'.

God's Truth

New member
GT, I have buried my answers by embedding them in your quote. Perhaps if I mix my words with yours you'll listen more closely............
Are you trying to make me feel bad?
I take pleasure in the friendship of the LORD. Obeying Jesus's Command to Believe, Trust and Love in His name forgave all of my debts past to present.
Jesus tells us a lot more than just ‘believe’.
Trust in his name? How about trust in everything he says.
Love, you say, but Jesus says OBEDIENCE is love.
I love everyone, but I will not be the self proclaimed, perfect family member that makes everyone else feel like trash.
So you will watch and say nothing as they keep sinning against God.
(The Spirit of the anointing of 1 John 2:27)
Jesus would not ever say you only have to have faith and not obey.
(Would you please quit beating His servants and look for the Beam that might be obstructing your perfect vision?)
You use a scripture of a DISOBEDIENT person in charge and compare him to me who does right and spurs others on to do right.
Hebrews 10:24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,
James 5:20 remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins.
(You are so full of beans if you are now calling yourself the Holy Spirit)
You do not care about what untruths you say.


New member

Still trying to address concept of "yoke".
… "Each of these Rabbis with semikhah had their own way of coming up with new teaching. And that method of interpretation was called their "yoke." The yoke of Torah is the way you take the burden of keeping Torah on your shoulder. You do it according to their method. Every Rabbi had a different yoke. Torah teachers would teach the accepted interpretations, or yoke, of their community.
If you wanted to know what a Rabbi with semikhah's yoke, was you would simply ask him, "What is the greatest commandment?" The greatest commandment will tell you what his yoke is. What was Jesus' yoke?

Matthew 22:36-40 (NASB) "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?" 37 And He said to him, "'YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.' 38 "This is the great and foremost commandment. 39 "The second is like it, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.' 40 “On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.””…

God's Truth

New member
I do read the Bible and 'listen' to Jesus. I do not call myself rabbi.
In referencing historical information, I don't know how to do this without referring to the people involved.

You do not call yourself Rabbi AND JESUS SAYS YOU ONLY HAVE ONE.

God's Truth

New member
I was referring to historical information involving Jewish teachers in time of Jesus. I was not calling anyone anything.

No, you were NOT.

Look at what you posted. You posted things from Jesus rejecters after the crucifixion.
… “The Mishnah is the rabbinical interpretation of Scripture written sometime between 70 – 200 A.D. Jewish scholars believe it contains the oral traditions that were present from the 1st century B.C. to 1st century A.D. It also contains historical documentation, ethical, social, and legal considerations, as well as rabbinical literature. In the Mishnah, it reflected what happened during Jesus’ lifetime , including the educational process for a young Jewish boy.”…
… "To establish their authority, all rabbis of the 1st century A.D. automatically taught under the name of their teachers and predecessors before them. In other words, if they were educated in the Beit (House of) Hillel (see Lesson II), great emphasis was put on Hillel and his interpretations, along with other prestigious rabbis that came out of that particular House of Study. That present-day rabbi used quotes from these great men to establish authority to their message. If that rabbi was a master rabbi and prestigious enough, meaning he had “smikhah,” (great authority), he could then give his own new interpretation of the Scripture used as he saw fit. Jesus taught only on His authority (smikhah).”…


New member
John was killed. Jesus said not to call anyone Rabbi. Why do you call those who reject Jesus 'Rabbi'?

In John 3:26 ,John was alive and being addressed as rabbi by followers of John. (I don't know what happened to these followers later). John was being called rabbi in John 3:26.


New member
You are not going to find God's Truth by disobeying Jesus and calling others 'Rabbi'.

I concede that I am unable to communicate with you. I was not 'calling anyone "Rabbi". I was referring to historical statements.
I am a Christian , a student of the Bible, and seeker of Truth.
This will end my comments on this particular topic.

God's Truth

New member
I concede that I am unable to communicate with you. I was not 'calling anyone "Rabbi". I was referring to historical statements.
I am a Christian , a student of the Bible, and seeker of Truth.
This will end my comments on this particular topic.

You seek people who call themselves Rabbi after Jesus said not to do that.


Well-known member
In John 3:26 ,John was alive and being addressed as rabbi by followers of John. (I don't know what happened to these followers later). John was being called rabbi in John 3:26.

Don't get too picky here; I'm sure there were circumstances where the term could be used without putting them on an undeserved pedestal. There are always details that go along with statements like that by jesus, which address an intention.


New member
Don't get too picky here; I'm sure there were circumstances where the term could be used without putting them on an undeserved pedestal. There are always details that go along with statements like that by jesus, which address an intention.

You have a good point and the context is always essential to understanding. Also,in John 3:26,the term was applied to John by his followers.