The final refuge of the fanatic; "they are lying, all of them!"
The final refuge of the fanatic; "they are lying, all of them!"
If we want to stop child prostitution then we need to go after the customers not the "product'. We need to punish those who purchase the services of the child prostitutes. Since using a child prostitute is generally considered shameful publication is an effective punishment. As with any other crime, certainty of punishment is a more effective deterent than severity of punishment.
It does my heart good to finally find the one person in the United States who believes what politicans tell us is the truth.
"St. Paul, Minn. — A new survey reveals that a significant proportion of crime in Minnesota goes unreported. Crime is reportedly down, but the results make it clear that the police record is incomplete.
The final refuge of the fanatic; "they are lying, all of them!"
The perverts that are in this "business" are very crafty in their ways and around varying State Laws. It is a problem. It does still exsist. It makes me sick to my stomach that there are so many deviants out there who turn a blind eye to the devastation it causes and the evilness of the acts upon "minors".....
It is not that it is false data but what you cherry picked out of it to support your line of thinking.
The article also states:The precise reasons for the declining rates are not clear. Dr. Finkelhor noted
Though the decline is now widely accepted among researchers and many advocates, some are still skeptical.
Dr. John M. Leventhal, a professor of pediatrics and the director of the child abuse program at Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital, says that the number of cases his clinic sees has gone down, from more than 400 a year to about 350. He does not dispute a decline, but he suggested that changes in how child protection agencies classify cases could be contributing to the decrease.
The article said some are skeptical of the decline and I am one of them.
Who said that?
You are off on a witch hunt in attempt to twist what I said.
It is not that it is false data but what you cherry picked out of it to support your line of thinking.
The article also states:The precise reasons for the declining rates are not clear. Dr. Finkelhor noted
Though the decline is now widely accepted among researchers and many advocates, some are still skeptical.
Dr. John M. Leventhal, a professor of pediatrics and the director of the child abuse program at Yale New Haven Children’s Hospital, says that the number of cases his clinic sees has gone down, from more than 400 a year to about 350. He does not dispute a decline, but he suggested that changes in how child protection agencies classify cases could be contributing to the decrease.
The article said some are skeptical of the decline and I am one of them.
Barbarian, observe the last line up above please. Now read slowly please, I am not intimidated by you
or your way of thinking or posting.
I just do not agree with you on whatever point you think you are making.
ACW is fine
and capable of arguing his point and tolerating the likes of you Barbie ACW!
Barbarian observes:
The final refuge of the fanatic; "they are lying, all of them!"
Politicians didn't do those studies. But you already knew that, didn't you?
"St. Paul, Minn. — A new survey reveals that a significant proportion of crime in Minnesota goes unreported. Crime is reportedly down, but the results make it clear that the police record is incomplete.
So if even half of all crimes are unreported, but the number of reports fall, that means that the total crime rate went down. Which is what is happening.
That shouldn't be hard to figure out. But I noted the data showing kids are more willing to report abuse today. That's also a result of more emphasis on the problem. How is that a bad thing?
If we want to stop child prostitution then we need to go after the customers not the "product'. We need to punish those who purchase the services of the child prostitutes. Since using a child prostitute is generally considered shameful publication is an effective punishment. As with any other crime, certainty of punishment is a more effective deterent than severity of punishment.
Violent crime in America has increased by nearly 600%.
The current divorce rate is near 50%.
Illegitimate births increased by 400%.
Teenage suicide increased over 200%.
The national average score on the SAT has dropped by 80 points.
And last year, across America, over 25% of the graduating seniors could not even read the diplomas they received.
One of the most tragic and sinful statistics of all is that since Rowe vs. Wade in the 1970's, over 50 million unborn babies have been murdered in their mother's womb. Today over 1/3 of all pregnancies in America end in abortion. There is an abortion taking place every 20 seconds.
In Barbies world, life is good!
since 1960 until now:
Violent crime in America has increased by nearly 600%.
The current divorce rate is near 50%.
Illegitimate births increased by 400%.
Teenage suicide increased over 200%.
The national average score on the SAT has dropped by 80 points.
And last year, across America, over 25% of the graduating seniors could not even read the diplomas they received.
One of the most tragic and sinful statistics of all is that since Rowe vs. Wade in the 1970's, over 50 million unborn babies have been murdered in their mother's womb. Today over 1/3 of all pregnancies in America end in abortion. There is an abortion taking place every 20 seconds.
Read more:
In Barbies world, life is good!
The highest divorce rates are in the Bible Belt: "Tennessee, Arkansas, Alabama and Oklahoma round out the Top Five in frequency of divorce...the divorce rates in these conservative states are roughly 50 percent above the national average" of 4.2/1000 people. Nine states in the Northeast (Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Rhode Island, New Jersey, and Maryland) have the lowest divorce rates, averaging just 3.5/1000 people.
Barna Research Group (an evangelical association)
Your solution would make things worse.
Nov. 29, 2011 — States that prescribe abstinence-only sex education programs in public schools have significantly higher teenage pregnancy and birth rates than states with more comprehensive sex education programs, researchers from the University of Georgia have determined...The study is the first large-scale evidence that the type of sex education provided in public schools has a significant effect on teen pregnancy rates, Hall said.
"This clearly shows that prescribed abstinence-only education in public schools does not lead to abstinent behavior," said David Hall, second author and assistant professor of genetics in the Franklin College. "It may even contribute to the high teen pregnancy rates in the U.S. compared to other industrialized countries."
Along with teen pregnancy rates and sex education methods, Hall and Stanger-Hall looked at the influence of socioeconomic status, education level, access to Medicaid waivers and ethnicity of each state's teen population.
Even when accounting for these factors, which could potentially impact teen pregnancy rates, the significant relationship between sex education methods and teen pregnancy remained: the more strongly abstinence education is emphasized in state laws and policies, the higher the average teenage pregnancy and birth rates.
Between the mid-1950s and the late 1970s, the suicide rate among U.S. males aged 15-24 more than tripled (from 6.3 per 100,000 in 1955 to 21.3 in 1977). Among females aged 15-24, the rate more than doubled during this period (from 2.0 to 5.2). The youth suicide rate generally leveled off during the 1980s and early 1990s, and since the mid-1990s has been steadily decreasing.
So, decreasing... Still a huge problem, but moving the right way.
You've been suckered on that one. More kids are taking the tests, not just the top 10% or so. If you plot for each state, the average SAT score with the percentage of seniors taking them, you'll find a very nice negative correlation. That's why the College Board people warn against using SAT data for assessing overall student achievement.
Again, last year, the Nation's Report Card (the reporting part of "No Child Left Behind) shows increases in reading achievement:
And abortions continue to decline. What terrifies you, I think, is that they are declining as a result of changing people's thinking. In the last few years, a majority of people are polling for pro-life. We're winning. And government has been irrelevant in that struggle.
That trophy is for you ACW, you are #1 at scouring the net for lies to support your viewpoint.
No sources, no links to multiple studies that converge on the same conclusion. Just a bunch of made up nonsense by some random person on the internet, and you fell for it
Well, let's take a look...
Oh. Declining. (Connie thinks this is a bad thing).
Yep. But...
The highest divorce rates are in the Bible Belt:
Illegitimate births increased by 400%.
Nov. 29, 2011 — States that prescribe abstinence-only sex education programs in public schools have significantly higher teenage pregnancy and birth rates than states with more comprehensive sex education programs, researchers from the University of Georgia have determined...The study is the first large-scale evidence that the type of sex education provided in public schools has a significant effect on teen pregnancy rates, Hall said.
"This clearly shows that prescribed abstinence-only education in public schools does not lead to abstinent behavior," said David Hall, second author and assistant professor of genetics in the Franklin College. "It may even contribute to the high teen pregnancy rates in the U.S. compared to other industrialized countries."
Along with teen pregnancy rates and sex education methods, Hall and Stanger-Hall looked at the influence of socioeconomic status, education level, access to Medicaid waivers and ethnicity of each state's teen population.
Even when accounting for these factors, which could potentially impact teen pregnancy rates, the significant relationship between sex education methods and teen pregnancy remained: the more strongly abstinence education is emphasized in state laws and policies, the higher the average teenage pregnancy and birth rates.
The national push for abstinence-only backfired. We're still cleaning up that mess. States finally started opting out of the federal program as the results became apparent.
Teenage suicide increased over 200%.
Between the mid-1950s and the late 1970s, the suicide rate among U.S. males aged 15-24 more than tripled (from 6.3 per 100,000 in 1955 to 21.3 in 1977). Among females aged 15-24, the rate more than doubled during this period (from 2.0 to 5.2). The youth suicide rate generally leveled off during the 1980s and early 1990s, and since the mid-1990s has been steadily decreasing.
So, decreasing... Still a huge problem, but moving the right way.
The national average score on the SAT has dropped by 80 points.
You've been suckered on that one. More kids are taking the tests, not just the top 10% or so. If you plot for each state, the average SAT score with the percentage of seniors taking them, you'll find a very nice negative correlation. That's why the College Board people warn against using SAT data for assessing overall student achievement.
And last year, across America, over 25% of the graduating seniors could not even read the diplomas they received.
Again, last year, the Nation's Report Card (the reporting part of "No Child Left Behind) shows increases in reading achievement:
One of the most tragic and sinful statistics of all is that since Rowe vs. Wade in the 1970's, over 50 million unborn babies have been murdered in their mother's womb. Today over 1/3 of all pregnancies in America end in abortion. There is an abortion taking place every 20 seconds.
And abortions continue to decline. What terrifies you, I think, is that they are declining as a result of changing people's thinking. In the last few years, a majority of people are polling for pro-life. We're winning. And government has been irrelevant in that struggle.
"Violent crime in America has increased by nearly 600%."
I'd read where it was around 400%; grab your calculator and do the math from 1960 to the early 1990's, the point at which politicians starting padding the stats.
Year Population Violent
1960- 179,323,175- 288,460
1993- 257,908,000- 1,926,020
"The current divorce rate is near 50%.
Let me say it straightforwardly: Fi...//
"Illegitimate births increased by 400%.
I had trouble finding good data on this. However, it looks about right. The pro-life's opposition to comprehensive sex education and easily accessible birth control for all women is certainly a contributing factor to this. It is mainly a result of women marrying less frequently and at a later age.
Teenage suicide increased over 200%.
I'm having trouble finding a source for this.
The national average score on the SAT has dropped by 80 points.
1967: average 1059
2012: average 1010
Drop = 49 points
Explainations: far greater proportions of students enrolling in college.
The rate has been trending up for decades — it was just 45.1 percent 50 years ago — but the poor job market also probably played a role in encouraging more young people to pursue higher education.
College enrollment rates varied by gender and ethnicity. Among female graduates of the high school class of 2009, 73.8 percent were enrolled in college last fall; among male graduates, 66.0 percent went to college.
Not only that, but the test itself is designed for 500 points on each section to be roughly the average. Thus, you fail to take into account changes made to the questions on the test itself.
And last year, across America, over 25% of the graduating seniors could not even read the diplomas they received.
I don't see any study done on this, so no clue where this is coming from. I did find that 26% of graduating seniors are below basic reading level, but this doesn't necessarily mean they can't read their diplomas. Furthermore, we were discussing changes. Has this statistic gotten worse? It doesn't appear so. It has been stuck here for quite some time.
One of the most tragic and sinful statistics of all is that since Rowe vs. Wade in the 1970's, over 50 million unborn babies have been murdered in their mother's womb. Today over 1/3 of all pregnancies in America end in abortion. There is an abortion taking place every 20 seconds."
It is 22% of prenangices that end in abortion. Largely due to appallingly high unintended pregnancy rate of 50%. The unintended pregnancy rate is highest in areas that teach absistence only sex education and lowest in areas that teach comprehensive sex education.
However, as mentioned previously, the rate is dropping since the mid 70's:
Why the cherry picked years? Why no use of the rate, which is what is important. You must adjust for the number of people.
1960: 161 per 100,000
2010: 404 per 100,000
250% increase
However, there has been a near continuous drop since 1991.
Pay attention in class Tinark, if you refuse to do so, I'll make you sit facing the chalk board writing "I am an atheist dunce" numerous times.
Again, since the crimes behind illegal immigration started adding up, various city officials began under reporting crimes to the FBI. All of that started in the early 1990's.
Regarding the alleged 250% increase (from my link)
Year-Population- Violent
1960- 179,323,175- 288,460
1993- 257,908,000- 1,926,020
I aint too good at math, but from 288,460 to 1,926,020 (i.e. violent crimes, which sex trafficking of children falls under) seems to be a bit more than 250%.
You are pulling this directly out of your arse as far as I can tell. Provide references to your assertions to studies and data that back-up your assertion if you want to be taken seriously. Just saying it could have an effect is a hypothesis, not evidence.
As Barbarian already pointed out, which you have not refuted, is that underreporting of crimes took place in the 1960's as well. Not only that, but he supplied evidence to indicate that the problem of underreporting is _less_ of an issue today than it used to be back in the 60's.
Pay attention! The raw numbers are not relevant when comparing one time period to another, because the numbers are changing in part due to the change in numbers of people who live here.
We have to eliminate that effect to have an apples to apples comparison. Not only that, but you didn't address the fact that the years are cherry picked. Why are you focusing on 1993, when 20 years have passed since then?