Child abuse over politics


But she isn't, and as I showed in an earlier post she didn't handle it well. The young lad will find out on his own soon enough how sick our President Elect is, it's too bad that his mother didn't prepare him for the shock by using a proper method.

It's funny how you hate Trump so much that you would defend Hillary, who was all for late term abortion and would have both perpetuated and augmented the LGBT agenda- something that Trump does not plan on doing and has promised to bring on some restrictive measure on abortion.

You go completely on prejudice and nothing else. There's literally no rationale with you on the matter, just remarkably pure, unadulterated spite. In fact, it's downright amazing :rolleyes:


He sure is an ugly little black boy

Maybe not but the kid in that video could do worse than be adopted by a rich white guy. Like...staying with his own mother.

Being that a lot of "rich white guys" adopt black children for immoral reasons (like homosexual Frank Lombard who raped and then prostituted his 5 year old adopted son over the internet to his fellow homosexual child molesters), I'd say that the kid is safer with his mom.



Quote: Originally posted by Crucible

If the women was white and speaking of Hillary, this discussion would be very different
I think that conservatives need to not slope to the same hypocrisy of the Left.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
But she isn't, and as I showed in an earlier post she didn't handle it well. The young lad will find out on his own soon enough how sick our President Elect is, it's too bad that his mother didn't prepare him for the shock by using a proper method.

It's funny how you hate Trump so much

I pray for the moral degenerate Donald Trump to step down from the Office of the President of the United States and check himself into a mental institution where he can get the much needed help that he so desperately needs. Perhaps you could look into a 2 for 1 deal?

that you would defend Hillary, who was all for late term abortion and would have both perpetuated and augmented the LGBT agenda- something that Trump does not plan on doing and has promised to bring on some restrictive measure on abortion.

The only problem with that statement Crucible is that Donald Trump is a pathological liar and supports all of the above. If you need to be reminded about how Donald Trump feels about the LGBTQueer movement, just glance at my avatar.

You go completely on prejudice and nothing else. There's literally no rationale with you on the matter, just remarkably pure, unadulterated spite. In fact, it's downright amazing :rolleyes:

(I don't think Crucible likes me).


New member
If the women was white and speaking of Hillary, this discussion would be very different :rolleyes:

I think that conservatives need to not slope to the same hypocrisy of the Left.

Any women speaking like that would garner my disdain. If my child spoke highly of Hillary, I certainly would not fly into a rage....geeze. These are kids!!!!!!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I pray for the moral degenerate Donald Trump to step down from the Office of the President of the United States and check himself into a mental institution where he can get the much needed help that he so desperately needs.

isn't it interesting that you think his change of heart will come from man instead of God

i think we're seeing another aspect of your fraud revealed here


Any women speaking like that would garner my disdain. If my child spoke highly of Hillary, I certainly would not fly into a rage....geeze. These are kids!!!!!!

It was the title 'Kid gets punished for supporting Trump' that grabbed your attention to the video. You just wanted something to judge of black Clinton supporters.

I've never liked people who go around and point at others telling them how to raise their kids. It deserves to be ridiculed for the ridiculousness that it is- the Left does it when it comes to physical discipline, and now yall are doing it to feed a political agenda.


New member
Maybe not but the kid in that video could do worse than be adopted by a rich white guy. Like...staying with his own mother.

Lol - Trump's next reality tv show, in which he adopts a black child who ends up as rude and crude as little Arnold turned out in real life.

Lol, I was at some place once when Coleman walks in.

This was some years after he had been off the air.

One of the guys in my group: a really tough street type was with his little girl.

She spots Colman. She says she'd always been a big fan from his reruns and walks over to him.

Just a child being a child.

Coleman turns out to be the jerk he came to be known as.

Took everything in me to hold back her dad, who was out of his chair the minute the jerk began insulting the poor child.


New member
Lol - Trump's next reality tv show, in which he adopts a black child who ends up as rude and crude as little Arnold turned out in real life.

Lol, I was at some place once when Coleman walks in.

This was some years after he had been off the air.

One of the guys in my group: a really tough street type was with his little girl.

She spots Colman. She says she'd always been a big fan from his reruns and walks over to him.

Just a child being a child.

Coleman turns out to be the jerk he came to be known as.

Took everything in me to hold back her dad, who was out of his chair the minute the jerk began insulting the poor child.

Do you have an opinion on what happened to this child in the video?


New member
Do you have an opinion on what happened to this child in the video?

Did you watch the two expose videos or read that articles link I posted on Trump back when he was running?

No, you did not :chuckle:

For that is what your response to me is, in light of this fact - amusing.

But anyway...yes I do have an opinion.

An objective one; as usual.

Try one sometime...

With a nice n cold Dr. Pepper and a Moon Pie :chuckle:

It is very often the case that a thing that is the norm within one culture or another does not necessarily result in a long term negative effect on a child simply because it is taken as the norm within said culture.

In this, I've long lost track of how many "good black folk" have reminisced with their own on shows like Tavis Smiley; Arsenio, when he was on; on the Steve Harvey Show; and on that one show where the guy traces people's genologies - all of these shows in which many of them both warmly reminisce and relate to one another their "mama's belt."

Funny how liberal you sound about this, even as you have excused the obvious.

The obvious that Trump could have used a tanning or to when he was coming up :chuckle:

He has too often reminded me of that spoiled little brat son of a rich man in that one Andy Griffith episode who demands his father be willing to go to jail for him rather than he lose his bicycle for a week, for his having willfully violated the local ordinance in that preciously simple little town called Mayberry.

Til his dad is made to realize by the ever ol wise n crafty Andy; the monster he is creating, at which point he confiscates the little brat's bike and ignores his fit for the first time :chuckle:

Here, just for you to ignore...once more.

And old Trump expose...

Trump Revealed by Marc Fisher and Michael Kranish


New member
Hall of Fame
Can you watch this video without crying your eyes out? It's horrific.

Thats pathetic, its heartbreaking, and it led to her being investigated for abuse.

Mom investigated after video goes viral, sparks outrage

HOUSTON - A local mother is being investigated after posting a video online of her young child being thrown out of her home after he told her he voted for Donald Trump during a mock election at his elementary school.

On Friday, the cell phone video went viral on Facebook with more than 10 million views in less than 24 hours.

Many people have commented on the video, saying the mother should be in jail. We spoke with neighbors who say the video is shocking.

"I can't believe a mother would go against her son like that and put her kid through that much trauma. That's awful." said Mike Terry, a neighbor.

The video shows the mother's reaction to learning her young son voted for president-elect Donald Trump in a mock election held at his elementary school.

"Since you voted for Trump, you can get your sh*t and get out. Uh uh, the suitcase is packed by the door." the woman says at the beginning of the video.

In the video, she repeatedly tells her son to take his suitcase and get out of the house. The child is clearly terrified and crying, pleading with his mother to let him stay.

Once outside the home, the woman made the boy hold a sign saying, "My mom kicked me out because I voted for Donald Trump." As he walks down the sidewalk, the woman says, "Bye, Donald Trump lover."

Later in the video, the woman asks her child why he voted for Trump to which he replies because he sees Trump a lot on TV.

The Fort Bend County Sheriff's Office and Child Protective Services are currently investigating.

Detectives say the woman told them she was just trying to make a joke. Detectives say as disturbing as the video is, there is no evidence of any criminal wrongdoing.

One detective said he met with the family and the boy appears to be in good shape. The detective also said the mother has apologized for the video.


New member
Did his being like 4' tall make any difference in his attitude?

I ran into him on another occasion, at a gasoline station. He was giving the guy behind the glass a hard time because the guy would not let him go without paying full price.

Lol, he kept belligerently repeating that he was "little Arnold - you know 'watchu talkin about Willis!"

He was actually pitching a fit like some child.

Rotfl - the service attendant just snarled at him that he didn't give a rat's behind who he was; he'd better pay full price or he was calling the cops.

I found the whole thing hilarious.


New member
Personally, I'm not buying that video - that suitcase moves like it is empty.

I think she was just trying to scare what she believed was some sense into him.

In this though, Freud appears to have been right - he once observed the need for a law where anyone wanting to be a parent had to first undergo both psychiatric evaluation and extensive training in relating to a child.

Back in his day, that might have later saved the world from the likes of psychopaths like Hitler and his cronies.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I ran into him on another occasion, at a gasoline station. He was giving the guy behind the glass a hard time because the guy would not let him go without paying full price.

Lol, he kept belligerently repeating that he was "little Arnold - you know 'watchu talkin about Willis!"

He was actually pitching a fit like some child.

Rotfl - the service attendant just snarled at him that he didn't give a rat's behind who he was; he'd better pay full price or he was calling the cops.

I found the whole thing hilarious.

now now - be fair - maybe he couldn't pay the full price

maybe he was a little short


New member
Personally, I'm not buying that video - that suitcase moves like it is empty.

I think she was just trying to scare what she believed was some sense into him.

In this though, Freud appears to have been right - he once observed the need for a law where anyone wanting to be a parent had to first undergo both psychiatric evaluation and extensive training in relating to a child.

Back in his day, that might have later saved the world from the likes of psychopaths like Hitler and his cronies.

I'm not sure Freud is the person to be training parents but you're right; this kid is going to turn into another racist punk if she continues like this. I'm not sure how you enforce good parenting other than temporary removal from the home .


New member
I'm not sure Freud is the person to be training parents but you're right; this kid is going to turn into another racist punk if she continues like this. I'm not sure how you enforce good parenting other than temporary removal from the home .

There are points where both Freud's "Id...Super Ego" theories and Robert Louis Stevenson's "Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" agree much with Romans 7:2's "I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me."

As Paul might have noted had he been around to read those - "this witness is true."

But, no; I was not suggesting Freud as a solution.

Dr. David Banner; yes :chuckle: