Child abuse over politics


Can you watch this video without crying your eyes out? It's horrific.

I think it's hilarious :chuckle:

Those type of black people see Trump as Actual Hitler™

But as well
I think all young people are obligated to follow suit with their parents on political matters. That's just basic principle.
There's no way my kid would've been up in school supporting Hillary :nono:


New member
I think it's hilarious :chuckle:

Those type of black people see Trump as Actual Hitler™

But as well
I think all young people are obligated to follow suit with their parents on political matters. That's just basic principle.
There's no way my kid would've been up in school supporting Hillary :nono:

I cannot agree with that at all. First, that is no way to discipline a kid. Did you see the fear in his eyes? She was teaching him that he was going to see things her way or face hell. That type of parenting produces kids with no ability to think for themselves. This boy will grow up doing whatever the consensus of the black culture tells him he is responsible to do. That's why there is such group think in the black community.

If this is typical of black parenting, then I have the answer to much of that societies inability to prosper in American society. They either follow the "black way" or be ostracized.


First, that is no way to discipline a kid. Did you see the fear in his eyes?

If discipline doesn't evoke fear, then it isn't discipline- it's bargaining.

Leviticus 19:3
Ye shall fear every man his mother, and his father, and keep my sabbaths: I am the LORD your God.

This boy will grow up doing whatever the consensus of the black culture tells him he is responsible to do.

So, you gonna steal all their babies :idunno:

I think it's sad that one has to keep reminding others that this is America- people are free to raise their legacy as they see fit.


Can you watch this video without crying your eyes out? It's horrific.

It's really sad that the mother didn't articulate to her son the reasons why he should be concerned about a Donald Trump Presidency by saying something to the effect of the following:

"Did you know that Donald Trump has said and done some very bad things to women and even was accused of hurting a 13 year old girl badly? Men are supposed to respect women, not belittle them and treat me like dirt.

Did you also know that Donald Trump is endorsed by some very evil organizations and people who hate you just because of the color of your skin? While Donald Trump has supposedly attempted to distance himself from groups like the Ku Klux Klan and the American Nazi Party, those very evil people see something in Donald Trump that they like. That should be a big warning flag to you son.

Did you know that Donald Trump wants to allow gender confused men to use the same restrooms, fitting rooms and locker rooms as your mommy and your sister? Do you know how scared your sister would be if a man wearing a dress was alone in the same restroom as her?

Did you know that Donald Trump admires men who are cruel and do horrific things to the people of their own country? Donald Trump is a very power hungry man who doesn't respect the law of our land: the US Constitution.

You are right son not to support Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, as they've been very bad for not only Black Americans, but for all Americans, but that doesn't mean that you should support a morally confused person like Donald Trump. Pray to God that Donald Trump will seek the spiritual and psychological help that sick men like him so desperately need."


Well-known member
On the upside... least she didn't abort him, as many pregnant black women do.

So that makes merely scarring him for life okay.

I guess.


If the women was white and speaking of Hillary, this discussion would be very different :rolleyes:

I think that conservatives need to not slope to the same hypocrisy of the Left.


He sure is an ugly little black boy

That's an ultra creepy thing for a single 45 year old man to say...

If the women was white and speaking of Hillary, this discussion would be very different :rolleyes:

I think that conservatives need to not slope to the same hypocrisy of the Left.

But she isn't, and as I showed in an earlier post she didn't handle it well. The young lad will find out on his own soon enough how sick our President Elect is, it's too bad that his mother didn't prepare him for the shock by using a proper method.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
He sure is an ugly little black boy

they can't all be cute and adorable like gary coleman
