Charlatans Abound.

Artur Axmann

New member
Don't be fooled by charlatans or tricksters. No one knows the mind of God any more than another.

What we know with prophetic certainty is that Christ during his earthly ministry had made quite a few enemies.
We know this due to the unmistakable fact that these same enemies exist today in our own nation,in our own world.

Just as Judas betrayed Christ ,so today there are many millions willing to profiteer in 30 pieces of silver.

These are the charlatans which deceive you daily and in fact place your hands in the same cauldron of blood the enemies of the Lord stir and who attempt to destroy everything in the world that is of beauty and light ;compassion and reason.

Christ invites every true believer to stand with him in his struggle to eliminate this plague on humanity from off the face of the earth.


Well-known member
This actually belies a deeper and more worthwhile question and that is; how do we know who the charlatans are?

Jesus who spoke only truth and pointed out many charlatans from every echelon while he also praised others from these very same groups.

The answer of course lies in interpretation and therefore the conclusion is we must wait for our Lord to return (or die waiting) to know who the charlatans (or what the false interpretations) are.


Well-known member
By their fruits shall you know them.

A corrupt tree does not produce good fruit,

A good tree does not produce rotten fruit.

What is the condition of the fruit they produce?


Well-known member
By their fruits shall you know them.

A corrupt tree does not produce good fruit,

A good tree does not produce rotten fruit.

What is the condition of the fruit they produce?

Galatians 5:22-23
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

A Christian could display all of those fruits but still have a theology that is in error.

One small example would be pre, mid and post trib rapture beliefs. Two of these must be wrong but the Christians in the wrong could still have all of the fruits yet be a false prophet at the same time.


Well-known member
Galatians 5:22-23
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

A Christian could display all of those fruits but still have a theology that is in error.

One small example would be pre, mid and post trib rapture beliefs. Two of these must be wrong but the Christians in the wrong could still have all of the fruits yet be a false prophet at the same time.

Not having perfect doctrinal understanding does not make anyone a charlatan.

Did Peter know everything perfectly? Seems to me he was corrected by Jesus Christ and by the apostle Paul

Surely Peter had good fruit but is not a charlatan.


Well-known member
Not having perfect doctrinal understanding does not make anyone a charlatan.

Did Peter know everything perfectly? Seems to me he was corrected by Jesus Christ and by the apostle Paul

Surely Peter had good fruit but is not a charlatan.

Your right I thought that after I posted. But can a Charlatan fake the fruits?

You can fool some of the people some of the time but...

And how can you tell a Charlatan from a False Prophet?


Well-known member
Your right I thought that after I posted. But can a Charlatan fake the fruits?

You can fool some of the people some of the time but...

And how can you tell a Charlatan from a False Prophet?

What did Jesus Christ say?

By their fruits shall ye know them, is that enough for us to make that call?

It should be.

However, Jesus Christ did not say how long it should take for us to observe and know what the condition of their fruit is.

Surely some would be quick, some might take a little longer.

First impressions are exactly that, first and impressions

Do first impressions tell us what is in their heart? Not necessarily.

Most certainly, we must be knowledgeable of the word of God to be able to tell what good fruit looks like and what bad fruit looks like.

If we have been taught that brown apples are good fruit, and we have never had any other teaching, then we could be fooled, but once we see a fresh, ripe apple surely we would learn that brown apples are not the best choice for eating.

That is we have to know the standard of truth to make the right call.

God is light and in him is no darkness at all.

Any and all darkness does not originate from God. This is not talking about physical night and day, but spiritual light and truth as in goodness vs. evil.

God is love, God gives of himself John 3:16

Self centeredness and selfishness is not an attribute of God, giving is.

God so loved the world that He

a. whined about not being loved

b. got grumpy and withdrew himself from mankind

c. gave

d. took a vacation in Mexico

God so loved the world that He gave.

The basic attribute of God's love and someone who is living God's love is their giving.


Well-known member
What did Jesus Christ say?

By their fruits shall ye know them, is that enough for us to make that call?

It should be.

However, Jesus Christ did not say how long it should take for us to observe and know what the condition of their fruit is.

Surely some would be quick, some might take a little longer.

First impressions are exactly that, first and impressions

Do first impressions tell us what is in their heart? Not necessarily.

Most certainly, we must be knowledgeable of the word of God to be able to tell what good fruit looks like and what bad fruit looks like.

If we have been taught that brown apples are good fruit, and we have never had any other teaching, then we could be fooled, but once we see a fresh, ripe apple surely we would learn that brown apples are not the best choice for eating.

That is we have to know the standard of truth to make the right call.

God is light and in him is no darkness at all.

Any and all darkness does not originate from God. This is not talking about physical night and day, but spiritual light and truth as in goodness vs. evil.

God is love, God gives of himself John 3:16

Self centeredness and selfishness is not an attribute of God, giving is.

God so loved the world that He

a. whined about not being loved

b. got grumpy and withdrew himself from mankind

c. gave

d. took a vacation in Mexico

God so loved the world that He gave.

The basic attribute of God's love and someone who is living God's love is their giving.

Making a right judgement is the problem as said 'Jesus who spoke only truth and pointed out many charlatans from every echelon while he also praised others from these very same groups.' So only Jesus can make a truly right judgement, and although in some cases it is obvious, it is the hard to judge cases that can fool us.

As said 'The answer of course lies in interpretation and therefore the conclusion is we must wait for our Lord to return (or die waiting) to know who the charlatans (or what the false interpretations) are.'


Well-known member
Making a right judgement is the problem as said 'Jesus who spoke only truth and pointed out many charlatans from every echelon while he also praised others from these very same groups.' So only Jesus can make a truly right judgement, and although in some cases it is obvious, it is the hard to judge cases that can fool us.

As said 'The answer of course lies in interpretation and therefore the conclusion is we must wait for our Lord to return (or die waiting) to know who the charlatans (or what the false interpretations) are.'

What did Jesus say?

a. That only I can tell the difference

b. by their fruits YE shall know them

Why not read what is written and believe what Jesus Christ taught?

When Jesus said "by their fruits YE shall know them" was Jesus

a. lying

b. telling the truth

People need to learn to believe God's word


Well-known member
What did Jesus say?

a. That only I can tell the difference

b. by their fruits YE shall know them

Why not read what is written and believe what Jesus Christ taught?

When Jesus said "by their fruits YE shall know them" was Jesus

a. lying

b. telling the truth

People need to learn to believe God's word

Yeah you make it sound so easy. What do you think of Joel Osteen? He seems to have love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

God's Truth

New member
Galatians 5:22-23
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

A Christian could display all of those fruits but still have a theology that is in error.

One small example would be pre, mid and post trib rapture beliefs. Two of these must be wrong but the Christians in the wrong could still have all of the fruits yet be a false prophet at the same time.

Usually those in false doctrines slander others and violently so. So how well are they obeying? Like Saul, they think they are doing a service to God.

God's Truth

New member
What did Jesus Christ say?

By their fruits shall ye know them, is that enough for us to make that call?

It should be.

However, Jesus Christ did not say how long it should take for us to observe and know what the condition of their fruit is.

Surely some would be quick, some might take a little longer.

First impressions are exactly that, first and impressions

Do first impressions tell us what is in their heart? Not necessarily.

Most certainly, we must be knowledgeable of the word of God to be able to tell what good fruit looks like and what bad fruit looks like.

If we have been taught that brown apples are good fruit, and we have never had any other teaching, then we could be fooled, but once we see a fresh, ripe apple surely we would learn that brown apples are not the best choice for eating.

That is we have to know the standard of truth to make the right call.

God is light and in him is no darkness at all.

Any and all darkness does not originate from God. This is not talking about physical night and day, but spiritual light and truth as in goodness vs. evil.

God is love, God gives of himself John 3:16

Self centeredness and selfishness is not an attribute of God, giving is.

God so loved the world that He

a. whined about not being loved

b. got grumpy and withdrew himself from mankind

c. gave

d. took a vacation in Mexico

God so loved the world that He gave.

The basic attribute of God's love and someone who is living God's love is their giving.

You have slandered the saved before. What kind of fruit is that?