Change You Can Believe In

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The Barbarian

Wow. I had no idea morale had improved so much since I was in.

In my day, troops who didn't complain about their jobs and leaders were considered weird.

Nice to know, it's better now. Griping, BTW, is a very different thing than low morale. Griping is a right and a traditional practice among warriors. It was going on in Nebuchanezzar's army. Thersites wasn't the only one among the Greeks at Troy.

The imminent end of the U.S. war in Afghanistan has triggered some of the highest morale and lowest levels of mental illness among deployed U.S. soldiers in years, according to an Army mental health study released Monday.

The findings by Army scientists working in the combat zone last year dovetails with the 19% drop in active-duty Army suicides in 2013 announced by the service Friday.

The study, which interviewed war-zone troops anonymously, also notes fewer soldiers deployed to Afghanistan contemplated suicide. Some 8.5% did, down from 13% in 2010.

"We're seeing some of the lowest rates of behavioral health issues. We're seeing leadership rates higher than they were in the past. Morale is on the rise. All of the key indicators that we would be looking at are looking much better," says Army Lt. Col. Maurice Sipos, a research psychologist and author of the report...

Army researchers in Afghanistan surveyed 888 soldiers serving there last June and July and conducted focus-group discussions with an additional 78...

More than half said their individual morale was either high or very high, a seven-point improvement from 2012.

The Barbarian

Well, let's see what's happening with their morale. From your link:

The federal monitor overseeing reforms to the NYPD wants the current class of Police Academy recruits to be taught groundbreaking new concepts like: Don’t be racist, don’t mock others, don’t tell sexist jokes and don’t hassle people for no reason.

Although it's a bit disturbing that cops might think those values are "groundbreaking", I can see where it would get serpent all depressed. No fun at all. All the stuff she loves is now forbidden. What do they think people become police officers to do?


Well, let's see what's happening with their morale. From your link:

The federal monitor overseeing reforms to the NYPD wants the current class of Police Academy recruits to be taught groundbreaking new concepts like: Don’t be racist, don’t mock others, don’t tell sexist jokes and don’t hassle people for no reason.

Although it's a bit disturbing that cops might think those values are "groundbreaking..."

:yawn: You believe :sozo2: police officers are racists, :blabla: sexists... :blabla: I do not. Police lives matter. Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10

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The Barbarian

(Barbarian notes that most police officers are good and decent people)

Serpent replies:
The federal monitor overseeing reforms to the NYPD wants the current class of Police Academy recruits to be taught groundbreaking new concepts like: Don’t be racist, don’t mock others, don’t tell sexist jokes and don’t hassle people for no reason.

Although it's a bit disturbing that cops might think those values are "groundbreaking", I can see where it would get serpent all depressed. No fun at all. All the stuff she loves is now forbidden. What do they think people become police officers to do?

(Serpent focuses on the few bad ones)
...police officers are racists, sexists...

You're the only one here, saying anything like that. As I told you, most officers are good people. The bad ones need to be removed.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame

thanks for that

Cindy Archer, one of the lead architects of Wisconsin’s Act 10 — also called the “Wisconsin Budget Repair Bill,” it limited public-employee benefits and altered collective-bargaining rules for public-employee unions — was jolted awake by yelling, loud pounding at the door, and her dogs’ frantic barking. The entire house — the windows and walls — was shaking.

Read more at:

The Barbarian

And here, I thought all those older veterans whose money was stolen by Walker's aides were the victims. Turns out, it was Walker's people who were embarrassed and harassed by police for nothing more than stealing from a few old guys who fought to protect us.

And yeah, Cindy didn't get convicted of anything. She testified that she didn't know what was going on in the office, and there wasn't sufficient evidence to justify charging her with anything.

And later...

Madison — A former top aide to Gov. Scott Walker who was recently transferred into a new state job received $3,400 a year more than the top pay listed in an advertisement for the position, state records show.

Cindy Archer — who served in top posts for Walker while he was governor and earlier when he was Milwaukee County executive — for the past year served as administrative services director in the state public defender's office. In that role, she was involved in trying to recruit someone to serve as the agency's chief information officer, state records show, but Archer ended up taking the job herself, even though at least one candidate had more technical experience.

Archer for years has carried out important duties for Walker, but mostly in the background. She drew broader notice in 2011 after her home was raided by law enforcement as part of an investigation into Walker aides. She was never charged with a crime.

Archer started the job last week, making $113,025 a year, or 31% more than the $86,278 earned by the woman who had held the job for more than a decade.

Archer's salary is 12% above the $101,121 she made as administrative services director and 3% above the $109,620 listed as the top pay for the information technology job in the recruiting notice sent out for the position last spring.

She's been adequately compensated for her humiliation at being treated like a common citizen, I think.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
thanks for that

Cindy Archer, one of the lead architects of Wisconsin’s Act 10 — also called the “Wisconsin Budget Repair Bill,” it limited public-employee benefits and altered collective-bargaining rules for public-employee unions — was jolted awake by yelling, loud pounding at the door, and her dogs’ frantic barking. The entire house — the windows and walls — was shaking.

Read more at:

a real scary example
what can happen
you combine union goon tactics with the police department

The Barbarian

Or, from a citizen's viewpoint, if you hang out with criminals, you might get caught up in the consequences of their crime.

Ex-Walker aide Timothy Russell sentenced to 2 years in prison for veterans theft

Three individuals - including a former top aide to Gov. Scott Walker - were charged Thursday with felonies as part of the ongoing John Doe investigation into Walker staffers.

Tim Russell, a longtime Walker campaign and county staffer, was charged with two felonies and one misdemeanor count of embezzlement. One source said the charges are tied to Operation Freedom, an annual military appreciation day held at the zoo.

In 2010, Walker's county administration had asked prosecutors to investigate what had happened to $11,000 raised in 2007 for the event.

Russell's attorney, Michael Maistelman, could not be immediately reached for comment.

Also charged Thursday was Brian Pierick, Russell's longtime partner and a staffer at the state Department of Public Instruction, and Kevin Kavanaugh, Walker's appointee to the Milwaukee County Veteran Service Commission.

Kavanaugh is charged with five felonies for theft and fraudulent writings by a corporate officer. He was the treasurer of the Milwaukee Purple Heart chapter at the time of the dispute over the $11,000 for Operation Freedom.

Pierick, 48, was charged with two felony counts for child enticement. He is an office operations assistant at DPI dealing with education for homeless children and youth, according to the agency's website.

Walker spokesman Chris Schrimpf had no immediate comment on the news

"Change we can believe in?" Let's just say that it's change we could have expected.

The Barbarian

The National Review, in jowl-quivering outrage:

Yes, Wisconsin, the cradle of the progressive movement and home of the “Wisconsin idea” — the marriage of state governments and state universities to govern through technocratic reform — was giving birth to a new progressive idea, the use of law enforcement as a political instrument, as a weapon to attempt to undo election results, shame opponents, and ruin lives.

Treated like common suspects by the police. And all they did was steal thousands of dollars from veterans.

These people were conservative office holders. And they were treated like us peasants. How appalling.

The Barbarian

The National Review, in jowl-quivering outrage:

Yes, Wisconsin, the cradle of the progressive movement and home of the “Wisconsin idea” — the marriage of state governments and state universities to govern through technocratic reform — was giving birth to a new progressive idea, the use of law enforcement as a political instrument, as a weapon to attempt to undo election results, shame opponents, and ruin lives.

Treated like common suspects by the police. And all they did was steal from veterans. And in one case, do something, um, inappropriate with a minor.

What an outrage.

The Barbarian

so who is going to protect the ones who cut the police pension?

Governor Walker:

Including firefighters in special districts, the analysis projected the state would miss out on at least $62.7 million in savings. That’s money that could have gone to put more first responders on the street, perhaps making furloughs and job cuts unnecessary. Or the money could go back to the taxpayer.

Not cheaper. And cuts in public safety will follow. No free lunch.
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