You have just told God that two of His ten commandments are "idiotic" or wrong.
What if the kid gets away with lying about chocolate, and grows up to be a lawyer or politician? The chocolate may be a gateway to lying which God may feel needs nipping in the bud. Most parents get wound up when their kids tell "white" lies even.
And God may definitely object to you taking this beautiful girl home if you have intentions to bed her.
So it sounds like you would want to be the one deciding which rules are idiotic. I am not sure you would do well under the God of the Bible if He were to physically prevent you from sinning. He has not even done it to you and you are already objecting - it's just a chocolate, and why can't I have her?
Suppose you ate the chocolate, told the lie, got away with it, grew up to be a politician, and became President. And suppose God thought you would be a lousy President. Would you want him to kill you?
Or let's suppose you have a lesser job, like being a chef, and you are a lousy chef. Would you want God to kill you? Of course not. We all want God to punish and control OTHER folks, but would we like Him punishing and controlling us? If you slept with that girl you just met in the bar, would you like it if God killed you for perhaps ruining her perfect life which God had planned for her?
So you want God to interfere in others lives (not yours) for only (what you consider) serious crimes, because you think you don't commit these serious crimes, so you would be safe from godly interference?
I am not saying you are wrong btw, just fleshing out what you actually want from a "God".
PS. If God killed Hitler, God would have to kill all the Germans who voted for him, who knew he was an anti-Semite, since Hitler wrote all he would do if elected in Mein Kampf (which I read once), including persecute the Jews.
how can i tell soneone something that doesn't exists, according to me.
As far as i know i am just talking to you, this should be simple.
If the kid turns out to be a leader like hitler, change his mind, put him somewhere else, if nothing works call him back. Dont make him order million of people to die infront of their family or women get raped and sit. Take the reign of power from him.
You just need to have the intention to help.
I dont find anything wrong in bedding a girl if it is mutual agreement. Really man i dont.
I dont want to decide which 'rules' are idiotic, all i said was he doesnt need to control every small thing in our lives, maybe a few dictators, is that too much?
Il explain
Had i seen my kids killed by some crazy dictator I would interfere, that doesnt mean i would want to control everything in there lives from what they see to what they like.
If you want god to prevent things like lying, then even better, i support it. Not having the choice to do sonething like lying isnt taking away freedom of life, we dont lie all day 24/7 in our lives. I myself do it maybe once in a few days. Still i dont find it very necessary as you do.
That kid can be controlled later, no need to put a lie detector in every ones mouth. Just snatch away his powers when he becomes a big leader.
Why would you kill a person for being lousy? Lol that makes no sense till you specify his crime. If i sleep with a girl whats my fault? I dont have any idea what her life may be. How am i responsible for it?
So no he has no right to harm someone with no fault.
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