Challenge to plate tectonics: Spreading-center intersection?


What I meant was: The surface feature we see at the triple point is unique.

It should have been obvious that I wasn't saying plate tectonics theory does not have other points where three plates meet.

For example, there are nine in your image, but none of them show a surface feature like what we see in the Indian Ocean. Why is that?

What is the particular surface feature and why is it there? Please explain.


Evolutionists hate reading.
Stripe, you made a reference to a particular feature and "why it is there?'.
I asked you to explain further.
And I get one of your standard nonsequitors. If all you wish to do is be a troll you succeed. If what you wish to do is expand Christian belief you fail.
On the admittedly slim chance that you would bring be back to Christ you do a terrible, terrible job. There maybe one chance in a million that you could save my soul, yet you bypass that in order to get in meaningless cheap shots that apparently make you feel more important.
Even 6days, who falls back on his same boring routine, appears to do it with some desire to win souls for Christ. You just continue to show aggressive ignorance. If he exists, you are a tool of the devil.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
so you're pitching a hissy because you don't like stripe's presentation of his Christianity?

explain to us again how you are in any position to judge

kinda like a child whining that the adults are mean to him and stamping his foot and yelling that if they're not nicer, he's not going to grow up


so you're pitching a hissy because you don't like stripe's presentation of his Christianity?

explain to us again how you are in any position to judge

kinda like a child whining that the adults are mean to him and stamping his foot and yelling that if they're not nicer, he's not going to grow up

Actually, I dont give a rat's behind about his "presentation of Christianity" What does bother me is that he is dishonest and unwilling to explain, he falls back on his standard nonsense. Yet he is one of the favored ones here.

Very unChristian, although perhaps not given what I perceive the new standard fundamentalist position "I'm going to heaven and you are going to hell, HA, HA, HA" as represented by some of the favored here.

If Christianity were so wonderful and The Truth, one should never, never miss an opportunity to explain and expound despite the fact that one might be ridiculed. Stripe lacks that Christian courage and dependence on his god.


Well-known member
Mr. Stripe is a_word_that_would_get_me_quickly_banned .
He is likely one of the nastiest people in Taiwan, a country with many pleasant people, and few Christians.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Stripe, you made a reference to a particular feature and "why it is there?'.
I asked you to explain further.

You didn't read what I already said.

Learn to read; then you might be able to join the conversation. :up:


all those years of education and study and you're still just a hell-bound fool


Nope, since there is no hell, not likely.

But its nice that you seem to have some concern for me, or do you? Does it make you feel more important suggesting I am going to hell and you, maybe, are not?


New member
Ah, plate tectonics. A theory arguably dumber than CD because it has no observed mechanism to explain how huge plates just move all by themselves.