I have only just seen this thread...I do not always read anti-gift threads.
Here's looking at me.

I think I am not more emotional than the average English person [English folk are more emotional than people think] and I pin everything on scripture. I feel insulted by that remark.
It all centres around this scripture "whether there be prophecies they shall fail, whether there be tongues they shall cease, whether there be knowledge it shall vanish away. For we know in part and we prophecy in part
Butt when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part shall be done away."
You have to show that knowledge has vanished and you have to show that the perfect has come.
Or do we still see only in part? Are we as individuals perfect? or are we growing in grace and knowledge of the truth? The Paul's letters and the bible cannot be represented as that which is perfect, Paul's word written down are not more perfect than when he first spoke them.
But if you say the bible containing Paul's letters are perfect...well that is where we learn about the gifts, it is that word which exhorts us to earnestly desire the gifts, it is Paul who would in his letters that "ye did all speak in tongues." That is what we are going by.
All else is speculation.
Incidently I got the full whack when I was first saved in my own home when I did not know what to expect, in fact I expected nothing.
I did not learn the Pentecostal experience, I received the Pentecostal experience. And what I received fits the bible very well.