Given what that website doesn't censor, this news is truly censored.Reddit Censors Pro-Trump Content Jn 8:36, Re 13:1-18
Yiannapoulos is a bit of a singularity among celebrities right now. While I can't say that I applaud the choices he's made and the things that he's said, I can understand him wanting to turn a grave negative in his past into as much of a positive as possible. He is a victim of abuse, but he's trying to prevent that from defining who he is today, and this kernel in his MO is something that I do applaud.So called 'conservatives' are some of the worst when it comes to censorship, case in point:!-Part-4&p=4940100&viewfull=1#post4940100
Yiannapoulos is a bit of a singularity among celebrities right now...
Yiannapoulos is a bit of a singularity among celebrities right now. While I can't say that I applaud the choices he's made and the things that he's said, I can understand him wanting to turn a grave negative in his past into as much of a positive as possible. He is a victim of abuse, but he's trying to prevent that from defining who he is today, and this kernel in his MO is something that I do applaud.
So-called conservatives didn't (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10). Actual conservatives 'conservative movement' (which they aren't) didn't have a problem with Milo Yiannopoulos being a proud and unrepentant homosexual...
So-called conservatives didn't (Eccl 10:2, Jn 10:10). Actual conservatives did.
The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14]heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).![]()
A libertarian :reals: is a libertarian :reals: and a conservative :straight: is a conservative. :straight:They're Godless Libertarians, trying to pass themselves off as conservative.