CBS poll shows that majority of Democrats think Christianity as violent as Islam


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New CBS poll shows that majority of Democrats consider Christianity as violent as Islam

According to a CBS poll, a majority of Democrats have said that they believe that the religion of Islam is dangerous, but that other religions are just as bad.

66 percent of Democrats believe when it comes to other religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Mormonism, et al, they are responsible for just as much violence as Islam. Only 14 percent believe Islam is more violent, which totals out to one out of seven Democrats.


Meanwhile, Republicans have few qualms with calling Islam a more violent religion than the others with a majority 63 percent.

Islam is the religion that was the inspiration behind such attacks as 9/11, San Bernardino, Pulse Nightclub, the attacks that took place in France, and more. The religion is also responsible for the murder of gays, and women under the guidance of Sharia law, which requires strict punishments for those who do not adhere wholly to it.

On the other hand, religions such as Christianity are often far more charitable, and make up the foundation for western laws which protect those groups that Sharia law seeks to put under its boot.

Wow, dems are nuts. Anyone who believes that Christianity is more dangerous than Islam, knows nothing about either, and believe lies, or are outright lying themselves.


Historically that would appear to be a reasonable thought but today Christianity is a bit less wacko, unless of course you include those with a rabid fear of homosexuals.


In general, Christianity have been violent beginning of RCC by killing the enemy, and they are still pro-military.