Catholics Must Submit their Mind, Will, and Intellect to Papal Authority


[Catholics Must Submit their Mind, Will, and Intellect to Papal Authority Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries] :eek:linger: "Roman Catholics are morally bound to believe whatever the pope teaches, even when he does not speak "ex Cathedra," from the chair of Peter. This means that Catholics are forbidden to believe what the Word of God teaches :poly: unless the pope teaches the same doctrine. Following are two compelling laws that have been established to control what Catholics think and believe:

"Each individual must receive the faith and law from the Church with unquestioning submission and obedience of the intellect and the will. ... We have no right to ask reasons of the Church, any more than of Almighty God. ... We are to take with unquestioning docility whatever instruction the Church gives us" (The Catholic World, August 1871, vol. xiii, pp. 58089).

"The faithful, for their part, are obliged to submit to their bishops' decision, made in the name of Christ, in matters of faith and morals, and to adhere to it with a ready and respectful allegiance of mind. This loyal submission of the will and intellect must be given, in a special way, to the authentic teaching authority of the Roman Pontiff, even when he does not speak ex cathedra in such wise, indeed, that his supreme teaching authority be acknowledged with respect, and the one sincerely adhere to decision made by him, conformably with his manifest mind and intention." Lumen Gentium

[Mike Gendron Comment] We must encourage Catholics to submit to the supreme authority of God's Word and to destroy every argument raised against the knowledge of God. The Bible instructs all of us to take every thought captive to the obedience of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 10:5)."

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Good post.

Sit down, shut up and go to hell is what the Catholic church says.

If you raise any questions that are contrary to what they teach you could be anathema (kicked out of the Catholic church) To be expelled from the Catholic church is to be sentenced to hell.


New member
Good post.

Sit down, shut up and go to hell is what the Catholic church says.

If you raise any questions that are contrary to what they teach you could be anathema (kicked out of the Catholic church) To be expelled from the Catholic church is to be sentenced to hell.

And what's really hilarious, the very most of Catholics do have doubts and they don't even know they're anathema! In Poland, where I come from, over 90% people declares they're Catholic while 60% people say they don't believe the devil/satan exists!


New member
Catholics Must Submit their Mind, Will, and Intellect to Papal Authority
All this means is that Catholics interpret the Bible according to the formal teachings of Christ's one historic Church, just as non-Catholics are bound to interpret the Bible according to the opinions of their chosen recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect. Each is taught to view Scripture through the lens of his particular doctrinal tradition---and that applies to Protestants every bit as much as to Catholics.


All this means is that Catholics interpret the Bible according to the formal teachings of Christ's one historic Church...



The Pope's Mitre

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
the pope urges acceptance of people like you, a sinner, because we are all sinners

the pope urges acceptance of people who want to be allowed to continue in their sins?

the pope urges acceptance of people who force society to accept their sinfulness as "normal"?

seems like a pretty silly thing to do :idunno:


the pope urges acceptance of people like you...

You're a CathOlic :freak: so let me educate you regarding your own religion (2 Ti 3:7). :eek:linger:

"One of the things that the Roman Catholic Church does in its councils and in its official writings is to pronounce anathema upon those who would disagree with some of its declarations..." Full text: Anathema


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
"One of the things that the Roman Catholic Church does in its councils and in its official writings is to pronounce anathema upon those who would disagree with some of its declarations..."

the church has to deal with many heresies
-that is her job
-they are serious and must be dealt with in a serious manner