Catholic Right to Burn You Alive


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During the Reformation The Roman Catholic Church claimed the right to persecute Protestants

as in the Inquisition with its violation of justice and extreme cruelty

by introducing in England, in the 15th Century an Act of Parliament,

known as the Act for the Burning of Heretics, was placed on the statute book.

It was Rome's answer to the rise of Wicliffe and the Lollards and the translated Bible.

The people were tried by Roman Catholic Church courts and there judged

for what they believed with regard to the doctrine of the Roman Church,

that the wafer used in the Mass was changed in substance at its consecration

into Christ Himself bodily.

If the Protestants refused this concept , they were Burnt Alive.

So, much for Love Thy Enemies............:angrymob:.

patrick jane

During the Reformation The Roman Catholic Church claimed the right to persecute Protestants

as in the Inquisition with its violation of justice and extreme cruelty

by introducing in England, in the 15th Century an Act of Parliament,

known as the Act for the Burning of Heretics, was placed on the statute book.

It was Rome's answer to the rise of Wicliffe and the Lollards and the translated Bible.

The people were tried by Roman Catholic Church courts and there judged

for what they believed with regard to the doctrine of the Roman Church,

that the wafer used in the Mass was changed in substance at its consecration

into Christ Himself bodily.

If the Protestants refused this concept , they were Burnt Alive.

So, much for Love Thy Enemies............:angrymob:.

burn baby burn, disco inferno !!!