New member
Thanks for proving my point, from your own post.
"The Septuagint became the Jewish Bible for the Jews of the Diaspora[1] who communicated in the Greek language. In 63 B.C., the Jewish Maccabean Kingdom fell to the Romans, and Judea became a Roman province. By this time, the Greek language well established in the Mediterranean world, allowed Christianity began to spread in the Roman world, the Jewish Bible, the Old Testament, for the Greek-speaking world was the Septuagint.
The basis of Christianity is Jesus, who is the Messiah of the Old Testament. Christians, those who believe Jesus Christ is Messiah presented Jesus to the Jews of Asia and Rome, they used the Septuagint as their proof text. Showing how Jesus fulfilled Jewish prophecy about the Messiah. In fact, at the writing of the Gospels and epistles, many of the quotes from the Hebrew Scriptures come from the Septuagint because they were widely accepted in the Roman and Greek worlds."