Cases you think show the need for death penalty

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Oh, so you would never personally kill someone for a sin/crime, but your totally fine with someone else doing it?

See, that's the thing about sins. They aren't nice, nor are they fair.

That makes no sense.

Here is what the Bible says about it:

(Heb 9:27) Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment,

When a person dies, they are not judged for their sins (sins were paid for at the cross). Those who have faith in Christ Jesus have eternal life, everyone else goes to the lake of fire.

You're trying somehow to make it about fairness.

It's an honest question. Do you think that somehow members of the BOC are incapable of committing whopper sins?

There's no sense having a real conversation with someone like you.


TeT believes Christ came back to earth in 70AD. I wouldn't
believe anything he has to say.

You claim you are a follower of "Paul's Gospel".

If so, please show us where the Apostle Paul said to kill people for sins/crimes?

Here is what the Apostle Paul said:

(Rom 12:20 KJV) Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.

Isn't what the Apostle Paul says above the opposite of killing people for sins/crimes?


The actual definition is an even weight, or measure. That is why you see scales in reference to the law.

What is an even weight, for one who has murdered someone?
You asked me for a definition. I did what you should have done and looked up our society's legitimate standards for defining the word.

And I agree with the many definitions of the word "justice."

ALL of them.

The figure of justice in America is a woman--blindfolded--holding measuring scales in her hand.

Albeit a metaphor, the statue is true.


New member
Hall of Fame
What if some maniac murdered one of your family
members, would you still be against the death penalty?

They don't understand that when the death penalty was carried out swiftly, it was a deterrent. Now there can be 20 years of appeals.

Its a still a deterrent in that the murderer will have no further opportunity to do so in the future.


New member
Hall of Fame
You asked me for a definition. I did what you should have done and looked up our society's legitimate standards for defining the word.

And I agree with the many definitions of the word "justice."

ALL of them.

The figure of justice in America is a woman--blindfolded--holding measuring scales in her hand.

Albeit a metaphor, the statue is true.

I gave you the actual legal definition.

One more time, what is an even weight or measure, for murder?


I gave you the actual legal definition.

One more time, what is an even weight or measure, for murder?
I accept all of the definitions of "justice." Even the legal ones.

The definition actually revolves around individual laws and interpretation of those laws by human beings. This particular human being believes that killing anyone to show that killing or any other crime is wrong does not make sense.

Particularly in my own Christian faith.

It is all about revenge and scapegoating--plain and simple. It makes a mockery of human redemption and forgiveness and reveals "rehabilitation" to be meaningless.


Well-known member
I accept all of the definitions of "justice." Even the legal ones.

The definition actually revolves around individual laws and interpretation of those laws by human beings. This particular human being believes that killing anyone to show that killing or any other crime is wrong does not make sense.

Particularly in my own Christian faith.

It is all about revenge and scapegoating--plain and simple. It makes a mockery of human redemption and forgiveness and reveals "rehabilitation" to be meaningless.

Use the correct term here -- murder -- and maybe your posts will start to make some sense.


Well-known member
You asked me for a definition. I did what you should have done and looked up our society's legitimate standards for defining the word.

And I agree with the many definitions of the word "justice."

ALL of them.

The figure of justice in America is a woman--blindfolded--holding measuring scales in her hand.

Albeit a metaphor, the statue is true.

Answer Angel's question, please.


spose he'll answer today?
I accept her definition of justice. I also accept all definitions of justice in our dictionaries.

She wants to know why I object to killing. I think it is morally wrong.
I think it is not what the Jesus I see in the Bible is in favor of.
I think killing comes from scapegoating and revenge--both of which come from fear.

I think the posters in this thread know full well what my beliefs and thinking are on this issue. And I suspect they already know that.

What OTHER questions are you folks wanting to ask me?


try again:

The definition she seems to insist on using is not found in any of the definitions for justice at

I am having to continually guess what her own definition of justice means in a real-world context.

That being said, I do not believe in the death penalty. I believe in forgiveness and atonement and salvation by divine intervention. And I continue to support rehabilitation and the study of the criminal mind. People who kill others should serve time in prison. And some should serve for a lifetime. But they should not be warehoused. They should be monitored and studied and given chances to change.

Perhaps she is trying to state that every crime has or should have a specific punishment. If so, as I said before, I am perfectly willing to accept that definition. To me, though, it does not always make any common sense.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

The definition she seems to insist on using is not found in any of the definitions for justice at

I am having to continually guess what her own definition of justice means in a real-world context.

That being said, I do not believe in the death penalty. I believe in forgiveness and atonement and salvation by divine intervention. And I continue to support rehabilitation and the study of the criminal mind.

Perhaps she is trying to state that every crime has or should have a specific punishment. If so, as I said before, I am perfectly willing to accept that definition. To me, though, it does not make any common sense in my mind.

so you're more interested in taking it case by case, without setting any firm guidelines


so you're more interested in taking it case by case, without setting any firm guidelines
There really are no "firm guidelines" in any human culture or society.

That's what is causing the fear of the modern world in the minds of Muslims and Christians these days.

The theological and dogmatic formulations of ancient times are no longer compelling or understandable to participants in a global environment.

Fundamentalism means that a certain group or groups are "circling the wagons" in a defensive position. It's just one final line in the sand drawn by people who are engulfed by metaphysical panic. The old medieval structures of belief are collapsing down around their heads.

Life is complex and nuanced, as science is telling us. And human beings are a part of life and they are complex and nuanced as well.


This is a bit like the dysfunctional parent who sees their child drop and smash a bottle of milk in front of the refrigerator and asks them "Why did you do this?" or "What were you doing?"

The parent knows full well why the child did this and what they were doing.They lost their grip on the bottle and the law of gravity says the object will fall to the floor.

What they REALLY want to know is some "reasons" to hear so that they can stand back and criticize the child.

You folks know right away what I believe in and who the particular figure from our shared religion says about those beliefs.

You just want to irritate or accuse me or judge me.

It's transparent to anyone, people.