Cardinal Corrects Pope on Communion


[Cardinal Corrects Pope on Communion Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries] :eek:linger: "The Vatican's cardinal in charge of liturgy and the sacraments has strongly defended the Church's tradition on reception of Communion in the wake of Pope Francis' comments to a Lutheran woman suggesting she could choose in conscience to receive.

The pope, who was speaking to a Lutheran community in Rome November 15, added that both Lutherans and Catholics believe the Lord is present in Holy Communion, and that while there are "explanations and interpretations" that may differ, "life is bigger than explanations and interpretations."

Pope Francis concluded it was not within his competence to allow a Lutheran woman to receive Holy Communion with her Catholic husband, but to answer her question, she should, "Talk to the Lord and then go forward." Cardinal Robert Sarah said, "Intercommunion is not permitted between Catholics and non-Catholics. You must confess the Catholic Faith. A non-Catholic cannot receive Communion. That is very, very clear. It's not a matter of following your conscience." Read more."