You have been indoctrinated with Roman dogma.
No I haven't. And if I have, it's voluntarily.
Put it beneath scripture and test it.
I did. It passed. And it is the only one too.
You will find that Rome has diverged away from the Bible in many areas.
I have found that the Catholic Church is the most faithful ecclesial community/tradition to the Bible on the earth, and that every other ecclesial community/tradition has diverged in some way.
The church is Christ Jesus.
The Church is the Body of Christ Jesus, and that, through marriage. We are His Bride; that is how we are His Body.
The elect children of God make up the church.
The elect have been made Christ Jesus.
No argument.
The Catholic Church is the Church. All those in communion with her, whether full communion, or imperfect communion, are the one Church, and membership in the Church is determined by one thing---faith in the Gospel.
Rome is a man-made political entity deriving it's identity from interpretation of the Bible.
You've described Protestant ecclesial communities/traditions. The Catholic Church admits that the Apostles taught more than what is preserved for us in writing in the New Testament, which is a trivial thing to admit imo, and bases her teachings on the whole of divine revelation, which includes along with the scriptures, those things the Apostles taught by word-of-mouth, to the bishops whom they created through the imposition of their own hands. Some of these bishops are mentioned by name in the Bible, fwiw.
It is a denomination, much like Lutheran, Russian Orthodox, Reformed, Baptist, Assemblies of God, etc.
The Catholic Church is the one ecclesial community/tradition that Jesus Christ Himself built, and that the Apostles themselves developed, nurtured, cultivated, administrated, and presided over. This is true of none of these other ecclesial communities/traditions that you mention.
Any claims of exclusivity are unfounded in scripture and are therefore illegitimate.
Not unfounded, at all. Either the Church spoken of in the Bible still exists today, or it does not. If it does still exist, then it is the Catholic Church.
You may "feel" that Rome is the one church.
I don't believe I've once mentioned how I feel about this. We're talking about facts of history, and authentic expression of the Christian faith, not 'feelings.'
Rome may assert that it is the one church.
With good reason.
But the Bible does not support Rome's assertion and therefore the assertion must be rejected.
The Bible does support that the Catholic Church is the Church. Bishops. First created by the Apostles, through the imposition of their own hands, and then, documented in the New Testament, instructed to continue this sacrament, of Holy Orders. The college of bishops remains with us to this day.