Nope "the city" is Jerusalem and "the people" are the Israelites.
You are simply misreading those passages.
Apparantly, you do not restudy a thing out when a view different fron your own is presented to you.
You'd do better to study out how those two phrases "the city" and "the people" are used throughout, when Israel is mentioned.
Yes my dear but don't you see that Jerusalem is focus of it all? THAT is where the temple is to be built in which is the seat that Ac is to covet from which he will declare himself God. But he will not do so at the start of his career but at the end of his career.
Let me show you this thing
People wonder about just when Ac will be revealed and who he is.
The Jews are going to go home, ALL the Jews. They will flee the nations in which they now dwell, what will cause this?
The Revelator speaks of 2 beasts the first to arise from out of the sea, with the horns which are kings and the one great horn who is Ac, the sea denotes always in scripture the nations, Ac will be the one world ruler. The second beast with the appearance of a lamb but the voice of a dragon , he comes out of the earth, in scripture Israel. He is the false prophet. He will come prophesying the coming of Messiah and he will do great miracles, even many Christians will be ready to believe him.
That is what will cause the Jews to mass exodus home they will bring the wealth of the nations with them which is why they will flee in panic [put that aside for now, I know what it is but it will get in the way]
Israel will become a superstate
Now Ac will be trampling down all opposition against his rule, and all religion...THAT is the tribulation my friend. Just like when Christ first came and Herod was troubled [tribulated] and all Jerusalem with him.
Ac will have a pact with Israel, he will wait for them to build the temple. Now when the temple is built he will break his pact and invade bringing the nations up with hime to Jerusalem.
Now look here
This temple is not the heavenly temple of the millennium, it is built upon the false expectation of Messiah. THAT is why God warns to flee Jerusalem...this is the sifting of Israel, between those who obey God and those who rebel and fight against Ac to defend the temple.
Ac will prevail.....only to be destroyed by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. When the Jews look upon Him who they have pierced they will mourn for Him and be converted.
What remains of the church after the great persecution will have been raptured to meet the coming Lord.
Now you know everything