Then they're softening their stance on Christianity.
They're seeking popularity. They will gain the world, at the cost of their souls.
What profiteth a man.... ?
Much of the World does not believe you.
Many Catholics have shown that they do not believe you....... true? Look at how some famous Catholics have lived...
What I'm trying to say is this..... If you are right, then a tiny miniscule % of humanity will attain to salvation. But millions of Christians see Christianity and 'the way' differently to you, and differently to each other.
In the meantime the Western World is deciding to give gays the chance of happiness together, with legal and physical security and acceptance.
I would, and do, vote for that, with no agenda other than for as much freedom in love and happiness as possible.
Well... the gate is narrow.
Well, yes, but Christians differ on how to perceive Christianity, let alone a narrow gate of salvation. There are many Christian Gays who perceive that they are living their Christianity correctly, and would let you follow your path by your faith. The Western World wants them to make their choices, and take their chances.
What did you say in another post... We all see what we want to see? Everybody thinks that they have chosen a right path.... look at some members here who are ardent Christians and are prepared to kill, execute slowly, bomb etc.... for their faith. Look at the paths that true Christian love can take.
I always thought that Catholicism was very extreme..... until I came here.
You're a moderate Christian by any definition.
It is refreshing to see you acknowledging a difference between morality and majority. The majority can be wrong.
Well, most UK doctors seem to think that their opinion is moral. We all think that our individual views are decent and good. The majority is a surging mob, moving mindlessly forward, crushing all before. It's just a matter of luck as to whether the general mindset of the majority is benign, or malignant.
I hope so. He has told us to treat them lovingly. He is right.
That is a solid and Christian attitude.
Some contorted versions of Christianity show gormless morons waving homophobic placards at gay funerals.
These so called Christians could almost be myther atheists who go out in search of gays to subject them to a sharia kind of violent justice.... in the name of Jesus. They have helped to turn the World away from Christianity more than anybody else, imo. Christianity's worst enemy is a hatreful self-righteous bigot p[osing as a Christian.
As far as influence on homosexual marriage - no, Pope Francis hasn't caused any Christian denominations to allow such heresy. Those churches were doing what they wanted to do anyway. They are of the world.
Hmmm..... I think that a sentence from the Pope could adjust billions of mindsets, far flung from Catholicism.