Lon...... your last few posts have reminded me of a man who tramps around Canterbury, raging about everybody, their sin, their mammon, their ignorance of the Lord, and as he wanders into the distance, flinging his arms aboput and raging all the more..... I feel such sorrow for him.
All your insults, Lon...... Maybe I am a mirror, reflecting yourself back to you?
Er, no. Look from about page 18, 19. (whole thread really). You 'assert' over others you are right.
No, no as a matter of fact, you are wrong and the Lord listens to my prayers. It is one of the scriptural marks of being near to Him.
You are the one who goes against Him, doesn't know Him that well. And that's a fact. There is no 'pride' in saying rather: Know the Lord!
You don't, not nearly as well as fully knowing His scriptures would allow, and you are remiss in your relationship and studies with Him.
Another Saturday night rant!
None of it sinks in, however. You will go on along your own audacious self and simply 'think' I'm the one that is. :nono: Start reading yourself. I reread myself and pray a lot, that I've been clear, not overt, but not lacking forcefulness either. A walk with God matters. Your walk is arrogant yet not nearly as close or informed for that arrogance. It is arrogance in fluff and ignorance.
Look, Lon....... it's OK.
You're a very Holy person.
I get that.
You're cleverer, know more, of higher IQ, and more certain of Heaven...... than me.
Now...... relax.
You were bashing others in thread. Yeah, you have no 'reason' for thinking that you are better than others.
We'll see if you shove your trash further from here. You've been wrong about everything else.
I'm reasonably intelligent, reasonably well-educated. More importantly to me, are the years I've walked with the Savior and know His Word.
The point was, you assert one idea. You know the Apostle Paul's stance. It is even the Lord Jesus Christ's stance (one and the same). -Lon