Calvinism Eliminates God's Great Judgment Day

Robert Pate

Well-known member
To NOT believe that Jesus atoned for the sins of the whole world, 1 John 2:2 is to believe that Jesus is NOT Lord. To believe that Jesus is not Lord is to die in your sins, John 8:24.


New member
The context is that Jesus IS interceding for current believers such as those 11 specific individuals right there with Him and that He IS interceding for future individual believers as well. "World/Kosmos" can mean a number of different things, but to suggest that He is contrasting praying for individuals who believe in space and time with systemic evil is completely random. Logically, He is refusing to pray for the remaining subset of individual humans who do not and will never come to belief in space and time. And since He does not make intercession for that subset of individual humans, Heb7 is certainly not talking about Him saving THEM to the uttermost.

The point of Heb7 is that Jesus is the Great High Priest who is also the Sacrifice for His people. He makes intercession for them specifically on the basis of His sacrifice for them specifically.

Heb7:25 Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost THOSE WHO COME TO GOD THROUGH HIM, since He always lives to make intercession for them.

To interpret Heb7:25 as if it applied to every specific person in the world is to deny the context, which is clearly speaking of believers and only believers.

(The name calling is amusing, though. You are obviously deeply insecure. But with arguments that illogical and inconsistent, you'd have to be.)

The word world is used two ways in the writings of John. It either means the evil of the world or the world in it's entirety. Never ever not even one single time is it ever used to mean the elect only. This is wholly an invention of Calvinists to prop up their polluted understanding of scripture to fit their false paradigm that doesn't exist. If they were truly sheep of Christ they could admit this and submit to the truth of scripture but of course this never happens.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
The word world is used two ways in the writings of John. It either means the evil of the world or the world in it's entirety. Never ever not even one single time is it ever used to mean the elect only. This is wholly an invention of Calvinists to prop up their polluted understanding of scripture to fit their false paradigm that doesn't exist. If they were truly sheep of Christ they could admit this and submit to the truth of scripture but of course this never happens.


The scripture that Calvinist hate the most is John 3:16.

"God so loves the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER (meaning all, anyone, everyone, the world) that believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life".