California makes it legal for children to be prostitutes


Well-known member
Not if it's declared legal.

And not if they're not forced or pimped. The law basically makes them sexual entrepreneurs. That being the case, how can it be illegal for an adult to purchase a service that the minor can now sell without fear of arrest?


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If a child allows a grown man to beat the living crap out of him, the adult can still be charged with child abuse and assault, right?
As the law is now, yes.
But if they decide to make it legal for a child to involve themselves in a transaction agreement with an adult that gives full permission of said agreement, then what do you do? The transaction agreement includes both parties.

The idea being that the child cannot legally consent, in the first place,
They can legally consent now.

and the adult is supposed to know enough to say no to committing the crime.
What people should do and what is legal are not the same thing.
We are talking about the law now says is legal to do.
And this law now makes it legal for a consenting minor to have a legal transaction with a consenting adult.
The consenting transaction, the consenting deal, the consenting agreement, is between both consenting parties, not just one of them.

And it allows for no real way to stop children who willingly engage in prostitution.
Child protective services are going to have a hard time with this one because it's now legal for kids to enter into a legal transaction of sex with an adult.
Will parents be penalized for trying to prohibit their child from making a LEGAL transaction?
No telling how many dominoes are going to fall with this one.



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Hall of Fame
And not if they're not forced or pimped. The law basically makes them sexual entrepreneurs. That being the case, how can it be illegal for an adult to purchase a service that the minor can now sell without fear of arrest?
Exactly. How can an adult be criminalized for entering into a legal transaction with a minor? The whole idea of a transaction is that there are two parties involved, not just one.
There cannot be a selling without a buyer. Both selling and buying have to include both sellers and buyers together. Can't do one (sell) without the other (buyer).


Well-known member
Seeing as it's California, that HAS to be the real point...more likely than not, to increase sodomite access to underage homosexuals.

Whether or not that's the purpose of the law, it will be the effect of the law.

I'm disgusted at the thought that now a predatory adult can tell a vulnerable child, "Come on, it's fine. You can't even be arrested for this."


Well-known member
Whether or not that's the purpose of the law, it will be the effect of the law.


I'm disgusted at the thought that now a predatory adult can tell a vulnerable child, "Come on, it's fine. You can't even be arrested for this."

Not sure that that won't still fall under pandering.

However, should a teen prostitute solicit an adult...that's where this will blow up when a john (or jane) is busted for buying what the teen is not illegally selling. Libertarians are going to have a tough time walking this tightrope.



(I just love it when a bunch of rainbow flag waving Trump supporters get together and act all righteous).

I talked about this law quite extensively in my WHMBR! Part 4 thread.

Before you and ok doser start calling me a fag or report me for being 'disruptive', I have one question to ask, and I would like it to be answered:

Since you and ok doser don't care what "people" do privately in their bedrooms:

Why is it so terribly wrong for a 17 year old to prostitute him or herself out as long as it's done someplace that you can't see it?


Well-known member
Before you and ok doser start calling me a fag or report me for being 'disruptive', I have one question to ask, and I would like it to be answered:

Since you and ok doser don't care what "people" do privately in their bedrooms:

The exact quote of what I said, from your link:

Yep. Can't stop what people do privately, whether we know about it or not. ACW equated that with "not caring what they do" but that's not true.

So I said the exact opposite of what you say I said.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Since you and ok doser don't care what "people" do privately in their bedrooms:

what i actually posted in fag-boy's link:

ironically, most people don't care what people do in their bedrooms

if homos were willing to keep their disgusting perversions in their bedrooms, nobody would care

but no, they want to flaunt their perversions in public and in the classroom and demand societal acceptance

have fun burning in hell, acw, you lying scumbag :wave2:


The exact quote of what I said, from your link:
Yep. Can't stop what people do privately, whether we know about it or not. ACW equated that with "not caring what they do" but that's not true.

Followed by:

Anyway, it is precisely the in-your-face part that is the problem.

So if "the problem" isn't the fact that homosexuals are sodomizing one another in the confines of their own sodomy chamber (or public restroom toilet stalls, public park bushes, etc.), but instead it's the "in your face part" that is the problem, why is prostitution bothersome to you?

After all, it's not done "in your face".


Active member
As the law is now, yes.
But if they decide to make it legal for a child to involve themselves in a transaction agreement with an adult that gives full permission of said agreement, then what do you do? The transaction agreement includes both parties.

They can legally consent now.

The old law was saying that the child victim would be arrested and jailed for consenting.

Imagine if an adult manipulated a kid into consenting to sex (or pimped them out). The kid is a criminal under the old law. Under the new law, the kid is no longer a criminal. The adult was and continues to be a criminal under all circumstances.

You are one sick puppy for wanting to arrest a kid who is a victim of adult sexual exploitation and abuse.