Originally posted by elected4ever
I am just a son of God. You are a god unto yourself. You are sufficient to your own need. According to you.:chuckle:
Nope, I've never once made any claims to deity, E4E. Your processor must be overheating again.
Not so.I may not get an answer right away and it may not be audible. I spend as much time listening to my Father as I do talking to Him. Sometimes He speaks to me when I am least expecting it. Most of the time he allows me to work out my answerer myself. He lets me screwup because of my being head strong. Then He just chuckles and helps me fix it. It is really a loving relationship.
You sound alot like "Madame Zelda" down the rode a ways. That's how she describes "the spirits" she talks to... :think:
Your personal life is none of my business unless you decide to make it my business and if my Father tells me to get involved there would be certain evidences that would confirm that to you. I can say or guess most anything but that would only be supposition on my part and be the worst kind of deception.
Unfortunately for you, you have no such evidence. :down: